Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 Now , there is a basic constitutional principle , embodied in the Bill of Rights of 1688/9 , that the levying of taxes must be authorized by statute , and so there is an argument for saying that non-statutory rules made by the Revenue which effectively determine a taxpayer 's liability to tax are ‘ unconstitutional ’ .
2 It no longer functioned as a club ; members could not understand what all the others were up to , and were aware that the interests of physicists and of biologists might be opposed .
3 Bottom left : The continuous linking of parallels can be used to suggest a third dimension .
4 Many sophisticated Germans such as Günter Grass have regarded the unification process with dismay , arguing that a return to the traditional German pattern of a confederation of states would be healthier .
5 The geographical image of states must be replaced by the behavioural image of systems .
6 In this chapter , while occasionally branching out to consider wider issues , the implications of the foregoing for the authority of states will be examined .
7 A considerable overlap of values can be seen in controls and patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 and I , as well as among all oesophagitis groups .
8 In English and sociology , the majority of lecturers may be male , but the majority of students are female .
9 A tile of lecturers may be stored in ‘ lecturer number ’ or ‘ lecturer name ’ sequence .
10 Talks were held between Yemeni and Saudi Arabian government representatives in Geneva on July 21 with a view to solving the border dispute between the two countries [ see p. 38886 ] ; it was agreed that a committee of experts would be created to determine an appropriate framework for future negotiations .
11 Entrance is free and our team of experts will be on hand to offer help and advice between 12 noon and 7pm daily .
12 The Gardeners ' Roadshow scheduled for 12th May , due to a prior engagement in the hall , will now take place on 25th May when a panel of experts will be in attendance .
13 The Gardeners ' Roadshow scheduled for 12th May , due to a prior engagement in the hall , will now take place on 25th May when a panel of experts will be in attendance .
14 Again , this second set of reasons would be subscribed to by Free Presbyterians , who would only differ from the bulk of the Protestant population in being more consciously committed to such arguments .
15 Counsel for the debtor was conscious of the problem and uneasy that the absence of reasons might be prejudicial to her client 's case .
16 Your request for a statement of reasons may be either verbal or written .
17 When considering why mathematics should reflect our multicultural society , a wide range of reasons can be identified .
18 The determination of the costs of products will be useful in predicting the future ( budgeted ) costs of these products in the planning process .
19 Similarly , hundreds of products can be sold with ‘ Good food costs less at Sainsbury ’ .
20 All external users of products can be registered with LIFESPAN and details held of the products used by each client .
21 Any attempt to introduce the sponsor 's range of products must be low key .
22 The presence of nitrates can be easily explained by the fact that human burials had taken place within the church : during the exploration programme a number of skeletons and well preserved human remains have been discovered .
23 Indeed , at various points , the present set of essays will be found to disagree with Margaret Donaldson 's views , either at the level of detail , or more fundamentally .
24 A third is archaeological context : very occasionally a coin or group of coins can be dated from the other objects in the same stratum , as revealed by excavation .
25 In theory it could be both : since any number of copies could be made there might be a surplus of ‘ resurrected ’ people .
26 The number of projects could be surprisingly large : for example , over 850 were listed in Birmingham 's 1987–90 programme , of which 218 were new .
27 It would be nice to think that a rapid flow of projects will be generated by this initiative and in due course this may be so .
28 I like to stroke my fruit and vegetables ; discuss various cuts of meat and study the poultry ; ask the fishmonger 's advice ; potter around the cheese counter ; decide which bunch of herbs would be best ; in fact , anything to delay the actual moment of entry into the kitchen — the point of no return !
29 The seeds of herbs may be dispersed by large mammals , which eat and pass plant material in bulk : many such seeds have up until recently been considered to exhibit merely ‘ gravity ’ dispersal , when looked at in isolation from the rest of the plant .
30 The medicinal application of herbs can be traced as far back as a Chinese herbal written nearly 5,000 years ago , and there are Egyptian papyri from 2,800 B.C. listing such herbs as mint , marjoram and juniper for medicinal use .
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