Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And now Scottish Natural Heritage has asked the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , Banchory , in liaison with the Scottish Agricultural Statistics Service and Biosphere Consultancies , to do a study to determine the current status of adders in Scotland .
2 He had a way of beating the offside trap of defenders like Newcastle 's McCracken by waiting until the ball was in his own half of the field before attacking .
3 Liberal pique over what they felt was inadequate consultation and personal rivalry between the leaders of the parties were seen by some as the most potent causes of the rift , but the official reason which the Liberals , the junior partners in the coalition , gave was their objection to the ending of tax deductions for car commuters and the raising of taxes on petrol and diesel fuel .
4 The attractions of the Bahamas include the absence of taxes on income , gifts , valued added , capital gains , wealth , inheritance and corporate profits , as well as the excellent climate .
5 Journalism was more promising to the entrepreneur-scientist , with steam-presses , cheap paper , the abolition of taxes on knowledge , and new readership with expanding education and the growth of specialization .
6 They included , in May , the legalization of private banking and the reduction of taxes on company profits from 89 per cent to 59 per cent in an attempt to encourage investment .
7 The CBI has suggested that petrol prices be raised faster than inflation , and that the current scale of taxes on company cars , at present related to engine capacity , should be altered to favour more fuel-efficient cars .
8 The incentives to industry included reductions in employers ' contributions to pensions and health insurance , the lifting of taxes on investment capital , and favourable export assistance .
9 In the absence of perfect competition , tax policy may be justified in influencing industrial structure , and microeconomic theory describes the impact of different types of taxes on monopoly firms ' decisions .
10 ‘ Britain has the second highest level of taxes on alcohol in the EC and many are suffering as a result , ’ she said .
11 Apart from direct demands relating to pay and conditions for teachers , demands included : recognition of the professional status of teachers ; establishment of a technical commission on the financial needs of the Ministry of Public Education ; policies to defend the social welfare system ; elimination of taxes on books and educational materials ; and funding for student transport and school meals .
12 Whereas the American Constitution guaranteed that ‘ Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ’ as early as 1791 , the British State continued to regulate the press through a variety of taxes on paper and advertising until the mid-1850s .
13 Measures included ( i ) the elimination of taxes on fuel and gas oils and on kerosene ; ( ii ) extended tax rebates for exporters , calculated to be worth between US$670,000,000 and US$1,100 million per annum ; ( iii ) the reduction of the highest import tariff from 35 per cent to 20 per cent ; ( iv ) tariff increases for many intermediate industrial products , but the maintenance at zero of the minimum import tariff , which applied to fuels and capital goods not domestically produced ; and ( v ) a " temporary " increase , from 3 to 10 per cent , in a statistics tax levied on nearly all imports .
14 The analysis of the impact of taxes on households should allow for the labour supply responses and for changes in the pattern of consumption .
15 The researcher 's work on the effects of taxes on individuals and households draws heavily on the government 's Family Expenditure Survey .
16 I am referring the matter to your local collector of taxes for consideration of recovery proceedings .
17 P47 — Employer 's application to the inspector of taxes for authority to refund tax over £20 .
18 Despite the need to return to a monetary economy under the liberal market conditions of NEP , by the end of 1922 over onethird of total revenue still came in the form of taxes in kind .
19 In the early days , transport was difficult and expensive , markets too constrained to dispose of taxes in kind , and there were few outside sources of funding ( external borrowing , assets to be expropriated ) .
20 If we are to connect the small towns and other settlements which were provided with fortifications with the needs of provincial administration , then they should contain buildings identifiable as either the residences and offices of the local officials , or granaries and stores-buildings for the collection and security of taxes in kind .
21 In his absence the regents made concessions to the magnates in return for grants of taxes in aid of the war with Scotland .
22 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
23 ( See the discussion of the equivalence of taxes in Lecture 3 . )
24 Smoking has also declined in parallel with a phased ban on advertising and use of taxes from tobacco sales to replace tobacco sponsorship of sports and arts and fund health promotion .
25 The conclusion is self evident — if the Chancellor wants to maintain the real value of excise duties from alcoholic drinks he must switch the burden of taxes from spirits to beers and wines .
26 The main points were ( i ) a tax of 0.3 per cent on financial transactions ( ITMF ) , in force until 1994 , but not applying to wage cheques , pension payments and popular savings accounts ; ( ii ) to fight tax evasion an instruction to banks to report in specific cases and at the Finance Minister 's request all movements of individuals ' and companies ' accounts ; ( iii ) the simplification of the tax system with the elimination of three social contributions and their replacement by valued added tax ( VAT ) of between 7 and 10 per cent ; ( iv ) the elimination of taxes on manufactured products , fuel sales and additional income , and their replacement by a selective tax ( the rate of which had yet to be specified ) on cars , alcoholic drinks , fuels , electricity and telecommunications ; ( v ) the elimination of the separate collection of taxes by state and municipal governments and another by municipal government , so that all taxes ( except the ITMF ) would be collected by the federal government and shared with the states and municipalities , expected to produce a real increase in their revenues of 9 and 17 per cent respectively ; and ( vi ) a ban on the contracting of fresh debts by the Federal District , states and the municipalities until the year 2000 .
27 ANDY PARKES sets-up a tank full of oddballs for £250
28 This episode has an interesting social background since the right to ‘ cast clothes ’ or an employer 's old garments was an important element in the system of rewards for servants .
29 Television stations would be expected to broadcast photographs of guerrilla leaders with offers of rewards for information .
30 Visit to China by Taiwanese delegation — Abolition of rewards for defectors
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