Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] only " in BNC.

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1 Overall , the swing in our panel over the year leading up to the 1987 election was 5 per cent , but among persistent readers of Tory tabloids it was 12 per cent , and among persistent readers of Labour tabloids only 1 per cent .
2 Such views were to move into the mainstream of Labour politics only when liberal capitalism collapsed under the strains of the First World War .
3 Sunlight converted into useable energy by photovoltaic cells is of economic value only in countries with a lot of sunshine .
4 By accounting for the development of the mode of production in terms of economic relations only , Marx failed to take account of the development of political forces which also have an effect on the development of the mode of production .
5 Third , the political rationale of state interventions is often ignored in favour of economic explanations only .
6 This is entirely consistent with their view that people 's interests are what they say they are , and that interests are of political significance only when people organize to advance or defend them .
7 However , because the sampling frame consists of private households only , the survey does not cover elderly people in institutional care — for example , those living in old people 's homes and those who have been in hospital for more than six months .
8 Elsewhere in Asia , stations were to emerge as the prime symbols of European power only at the end of the century .
9 the use of strong overlap only ( rather than strong and weak ) .
10 Considering that there ate 168 hours in each week , it becomes quite obvious that it is unlikely that staffing rosters could be arranged which would permit the employment of full-time staff only .
11 By 1939 Europe could meet her own needs of agricultural products only in olive oil and wine ; in 1880 she could still do much better than this .
12 The threat of fresh elections only diminished after Likud and Labour ( the two main coalition partners ) reached an " eleventh hour " compromise agreement .
13 There would be direct investment both inward and outward as different multinationals arrange their operations on a global basis instead of direct investment only in one direction resulting from the overall balance of the economy .
14 Of direct interest only to the most rarefied of all constituencies of criminal justice was the abolition of the privilege of peers to be tried before a special court composed of members of the House of Lords if charged with the commission of certain crimes .
15 And I 've tried to stay true to the original recipes given to me by members of my family , even though some of them wo n't be very popular — I think the brains and chitterlings [ pigs ' intestines ] recipes are of historical interest only ! ’
16 Visitors to the city may easily fail to chance upon Portugal Place which remains an oasis of timeless calm only a few paces from the crowded pavements of the city centre .
17 He remembered the hot burning sands outside Alexandria where he , Sir Brian , Sir Ralph , and the others had been a band of carefree knights only too happy to take the gold of the enemy .
18 There are so many unwanted dogs on the streets that an extra litter of unplanned puppies only adds to the problem .
19 This is an important distinction because pluralist models suggest that we can draw conclusions about the influence of different interests only when groups can be observed at work on their behalf in the political process .
20 What it would mean is that we would consider it immoral to treat animals as if they had no intrinsic value , as if they were of instrumental value only , merely means to human ends .
21 The British government gave him protection , but backed the principle of free speech only as vigorously as was diplomatically comfortable .
22 Choices of ends , as of means , are debatable in terms of public tests ( of whether things are in fact as the agent imagines them , whether his reactions as observed in his behaviour are as he feels them to be ) , but can take account of public observations only to the extent that they are subjectively confirmed .
23 Such a step is unusual and is taken by a director of public prosecutions only when a case has exceptional political or other implications .
24 In this fashion the outer world is admitted to the corpus of scientific knowledge only after it has , at least in theory , undergone the most rigorous scrutiny ; a scrutiny which is practically embodied in the use of external references by scientific journals .
25 It intervened to regulate trade ; in 1651 the republican Parliament passed a Navigation Act which set out to protect the English shipping trade by laying down that imports could be taken to the ports of England or of English colonies only by English ships or by those of the country that produced the goods .
26 But this is essentially of theoretical interest only , and there are far more practical examples .
27 Some sociologists claim that low levels of social mobility only provide movement within the system but that , on a bigger scale , this mobility can change the system ( Kahl 1970 ) .
28 Moreover , since our involvement in social relationships and membership of social groups only ends when our social existence ends ( at death ) , socialisation must be seen as an inevitable and a lifelong process .
29 In contrast , inequalities of social status only exist by virtue of the fact that status differences are constructed and recognised by members of social groups .
30 Seb reached Burford in a state of high excitement only to find that Superintending Constable Aplin was in London .
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