Example sentences of "of [noun sg] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Under such circumstances characteristics of adult language input would be reflected in differential rates of progress only to the extent that they coincided with the child 's existing ‘ style ’ of learning language ( Gleitman et al .
2 A second point , raised by Brown and his colleagues ( 1986c ) concerned the decision by Henderson to analyse the role of support only for those women completely free from any psychiatric symptoms .
3 For the popular protestant version , one which is still shared probably by a majority of clergymen within the protestant denominations of the North , the church re-emerges after centuries of misguidance only with the Reformation .
4 ( See Chapter 6 under " Interest " ) ( 4 ) Where the defendant is an individual or a company who has been served outside the jurisdiction under Ord 8 , r 2(2) ( 9 ) , or , within the jurisdiction but is " domiciled " in Scotland , Northern Ireland , Belgium , Denmark , France , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) , Italy , Luxembourg or the Netherlands , judgment may be entered in default of defence only by leave of the " Registrars " .
5 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
6 Where the demised property consists of part only of a building the draftsman may either include sanitary facilities in each demise or he may grant each tenant a right to use communal facilities .
7 The court can not normally order the grant of a new tenancy of part only of the holding ( Fernandez v Walding [ 1968 ] 2 QB 606 ) .
8 Sometimes the root deed itself will refer to the restrictive covenants and sometimes new restrictive covenants will be imposed in this transaction , for example , if it is a sale of part only of the seller 's property .
9 If the sale is of part only of the land affected by the notice of deposit , a simple letter of consent to the transaction from the bank or other person protected by the notice , addressed to the Chief Land Registrar , is sufficient ; but some banks have their own form , which they like to use in such cases .
10 Evidently there is something odd about the expression imperator noster divus Marcus , for noster is generally used of the current emperor , and divus of course only of a deceased one .
11 ‘ I enjoy it ’ and ‘ It hurts ’ testify of course only to awareness of the immediate stimuli , and will always be outweighed if enlargement of awareness changes the response .
12 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
13 Of course those who regarded the study of mind only as a branch of metaphysics smiled at the ineptitude of the mere man of science .
14 New product-protecting patents were more effective than all other methods of appropriability only in drugs , while in organic chemicals , plastics , and steel-mill products , they were no less effective than alternate methods of appropriability ( see Levin et al. ,
15 Adams ( 1985b ) illustrates this kind of difficulty in showing how a subject with good vision in the right eye , but perception of light only in the left eye , could easily bump into a half-open door before realising it was there .
16 Prefaced by an ‘ urgent remonstrance ’ to the gentlemen of England , warning them that the young Queen Victoria 's announcement of her intention to marry Prince Albert may lead to great numbers of her female subjects taking a similar nuptial initiative owing to Leap Year of 1840 ( traditionally a woman could make a proposal of marriage only in a leap year ) .
17 But these glistening globes , though blown by the panting thousands , lived in that rain of ash only for frustrating fractions of a second .
18 The Yasa provided for the settlement of disputes and affairs of honour only between the races of the True People , for they alone were equipped with the talons with which the kanly — formal mortal combat — was fought .
19 For example , questions of relevance only to married women can be prefaced by a general question about marital status followed by an instruction for those who have answered in a particular way to move to the relevant subset .
20 But I took on the idea of transcendence only at a personal level .
21 In accepting that the world occupied by a majority of adult women would be different from that of men , feminists distinguished themselves from the mainstream of opinion only by their refusal to accept that women 's role was thereby rendered inferior .
22 So pragmatism can be rescued as a good explanation for our cross-section picture of adjudication only by procrustean machinery that seems wildly inappropriate .
23 A total of 4.9 million low-paid — an increase of one million over the original 1992/3 beneficiaries — would pay the 20p rate of tax only in 1993/4 .
24 His message was that every Christian had the right to read or hear the word of God in his own language , and was capable of redemption only through belief in that word , rather than by any good works that he or she might do .
25 Law and custom thus defend the family as the prime agent of socialisation only in so far as it fulfils the task currently prescribed .
26 We should avoid an exclusive obsession with ‘ secular humanism ’ that sees the problem of modernity only in terms of false ideology .
27 In 1930 , Helene Deutsch described the syndrome of frigidity t-n a significant group of her patients , women who are ‘ psychically healthy ’ , yet for whom the concept of orgasm was completely alien : ‘ In intercourse they experience a happy and tender sense that they are giving keen pleasure , convinced that coitus is of importance only to the man .
28 Politicians get away with this sort of behaviour only in totalitarian states .
29 Hypocrisy entered this pattern of behaviour only in so far as the bourgeois women were supposed to remain entirely outside the game , and therefore in ignorance of what the men , and women other than themselves , were up to .
30 Control can approximate the effects of leadership only with people who are highly trained , docile and energetic all at the same time .
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