Example sentences of "of [noun sg] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Notwithstanding the unbridled optimism of many such visions , it can not be denied that one source of the modern idea of progress was this millenarian theology of puritan reformers anxious to transform the world in readiness for Christ 's second
2 The pace of change is such that internal information systems ( for example for finance , staff and related issues ) are often providing data for an organisation that no longer exists .
3 But the most convincing demonstration of the spread of change is that support was withdrawn from Mr Livingstone in every part of the country except London .
4 Perhaps one of the most important groups for the stimulation of change is that which falls between these two poles : those teachers who I would see as belonging to the 25 to 35 year-old age group , or perhaps those who have not been teaching for more than six , or less than three , years .
5 Causes of change are many — the government , the unions , OPEC , the Argentines , company mergers , new brooms , technological change , recession , unemployment , legislation , EEC — you name it , you 've experienced it in the last few years .
6 The speed of change was such that it had become difficult to keep up with developments of which perhaps ‘ we have not yet seen the end ’ .
7 This did not at first include the canon of the Mass , but the momentum of change was such in the early post-conciliar period — moreover , the absurdity of retaining an isolated island of Latin was so obvious — that this quickly followed .
8 So it seems to me that what Williamson has shown in one particular case is clear evidence of punctuation , but no reasons at all that I can see for supposing that the mechanism of change was any other which Darwin described over a hundred years ago .
9 What kind of trick is this ? ’
10 The essence of prayer is this : is our relationship with God characterized by the words of the psalm : ‘ My soul , find rest in God alone ’ ?
11 ‘ What sort of building is this ? ’ he asked eventually .
12 There is little evidence that a woman 's chance of advancement is any worse in the TNCs than in domestic industry .
13 The second example of inspection is that carried out by local authority inspectors .
14 Among my areas of responsibility was that of the application of AI techniques to aircraft maintenance .
15 Before the mid-twenties it is difficult to obtain reliable information on a person 's priorities because the period of adolescence is all about sorting out parental peer group and personal goals .
16 4.3 The real difference between the two categories of damage is that past loss is certain , or largely certain , whereas future loss is , by its very nature , uncertain .
17 What about the ploughs themselves , now , they of course are all handmade specially for the match ,
18 There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form .
19 There have of course been many other television programmes which have touched on the subject of mental handicap , including series such as ‘ Let's Go ’ , a weekly series for the mentally handicapped launched in 1981 , and followed by a second series in 1983 , and ‘ Accident of Birth ’ , a series mainly for parents and people working with the mentally handicapped broadcast in early 1982 .
20 There have of course been those who have deplored such a connection .
21 There has of course been some criticism in the books of the decision in Stilk v. Myrick which is somewhat differently reported in the two sets of reports , but Campbell 's reports have the better reputation and what I have referred to as being the law on this point is referred to as ‘ the present ’ rule in Chitty on Contracts : see , also , Cheshire and Fifoot .
22 That , of course is that , that of course is the the problem of national curriculum it 's your interpretation of of the national curriculum and there is I mean , if Judith says a child is level three , I would accept that but if somebody from Spring Garden said this child is level five , I 'm certainly not going to accept that without evidence that I have !
23 What is likely to happen of course is that er in the year two thousand and ten when we do need these fast reactors , we 'll be buying in French or Japanese technology as we 've done in many other areas which is all rather sad really .
24 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
25 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
26 Well , the answer to that of course is that what reduces erm male life expectancy is the very same thing that promotes their reproductive success , namely the direct and the indirect effects of testosterone .
27 Er I think there 's er one problem of course is that regional newspapers do depend on situations vacant quite a bit and the situations vacant market is n't improving dramatically .
28 The danger of course is that sponsorship for itself , in itself becomes more important than the actual regattas .
29 Mm it it may it may not be in that nature because the nature of of supply teaching work of course is that
30 Yes , the difference of course is that in two day cricket you ca n't necessarily guarantee a result er and forcing wins was what we did n't quite manage to do , it was er it was a season of what might have been for the County Cricket Club er a very good season but not quite as successful as last year .
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