Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 In the view of the College , relying on professional judgement is entirely appropriate , whereby differences of assessment arrived at by individuals can be compared and the assessors requested to justify their proposals ; thus enabling agreement on an optimum solution .
2 The six-monthly reviews of respite care at the residential home provided a focus for monitoring the level and type of support needed at any stage .
3 And even if it was n't too personal , did she really want him to know that some wee devil of tenderness pulled at her heart at the grey lines of weariness etched into his face ?
4 An appropriate calculation or formula for the amount of contingency required at any particular time should be agreed at the same time that the initial sire of the contingency is determined .
5 If the number of fire engines which turned up was correlated with the amount of damage done at those fires , a positive relationship would probably be discovered .
6 The injury whilst en ventre sa mère was but an evidentiary incident in the causation of damage suffered at birth by the fault of the defendant .
7 The injury whilst en ventre sa mère was but an evidentiary incident in the causation of damage suffered at birth by the fault of the defendant .
8 Some like to work from a diagram where there is a brief description of technique used at the start , then the remainder of the pattern consists of the diagram of the various garment parts , with figures that relate to stitches , rows and sizes .
9 This was not of course found at the scene , but it was probably a flat plastic box pack , smaller than a crush-proof cigarette-packet , with a single flush button depressed by the ball of the thumb to effect detonation .
10 For an accountant in practice who is keen on a secondment to the regulatory sector , the range of experience offered at the DTI would make it time well spent .
11 ‘ You know , Boyo , this is the start of our fifth day here in Normandy and we have been stuck in these bloody slit trenches having all kinds of shit thrown at us .
12 We are all living in holes in the ground having all kinds of shit thrown at us and all you can talk about is one star being brighter than the others . ’
13 Earlier , the Progressive Democrats , junior partners in coalition , delayed authorising their departure following the apparent agreement by Mr Justice Hamilton to look into accusations of dishonesty levelled at their leader , Mr O'Malley , by Mr Reynolds .
14 In his own life it had always been he who was the supplicant , telephoning Diana from call boxes on his rounds in the hope of closing some nagging gap of intimacy left at breakfast , and always having to hide the agony of dread that her casualness could cause him for fear of the danger of irritating her .
15 Why would the inclusion of money deposited at call with the discount houses in any of the definitions be a case of ‘ double counting ?
16 The Prince of Wales , he claimed , wanted money to support his horse racing ; the Duke of York to pay his bets and preserve his credit at Mucklow 's Tennis Court where he spent much of his time and lost a great deal of money estimated at £200,000 .
17 As has been shown above , blood was perceived to be the life-giving force of the universe — an obvious conclusion on empirical grounds , but one which was elevated from the pragmatic to the sacred in Hebrew thought by the belief that in humans it was also the seat of the soul , hence the choice of terminology noted at the outset of this essay for murder and death in the Old Testament .
18 TAIF , Saudi Arabia — Lebanese members of parliament clutched at the threads of a peace plan yesterday after a brief period when agreement to end 14 years of civil war seemed within their grasp .
19 To take a homely example , the mug and napkin ring of silver given at christening in western Christendom symbolize the essential and prime tasks of the infant to eat , drink and start on the way to adulthood .
20 Visitors to PAS are known to have been totally ‘ bowled over ’ by the amount of stock contained at the South Benfleet facility .
21 Bill and Kath , along with their loyal staff have put virtually a lifetime 's effort into acquiring the immense amount of stock contained at PAS , and the one thing that really concerns them is that if anything should ever happen to either of them , what would be the future for all the stock ?
22 If the company 's business involves dealing in goods the records must also contain a statement of stock held at the end of the financial year and statements of stocktakings from which that was prepared , and , except in the case of goods sold in the ordinary course of retail trade , statements of all goods sold or purchased , in sufficient detail to enable the other party to be identified .
23 The House of Lords held that the cause of action accrued at vesting date , even though the appellants could not have proved the moneys were held by the respondents as authorised undertakers until the minister so decided .
24 The starting-point is to recognize that the size and composition of the prison system , far from somehow being predetermined , are the consequence of action taken at every stage of the criminal justice process .
25 Suddenly too , as a kind of tension caught at her , she knew that while , because of her love for Ven , she could be on very shaky ground here , she must be brave , and stay no matter what , and hear him out .
26 Howard has suggested that threats of force directed at any person for whom the complainant ‘ has or is presumed to have strong affections ’ should negative consent .
27 She occasionally contacted me , and for a Christmas present gave me a photograph of Balbinder taken at school and made into a calendar .
28 ‘ Beth 's been stabbed with scissors , had her paws stamped on and we 've had cups of tea thrown at us .
29 Daily injections of melatonin given at 3.30 each afternoon , entrained the rats to a 24 hour cycle .
30 Indeed the Department of the Environment issued in 1976 a code of practice aimed at the prevention and abatement of smells from animal wastes which states that ‘ in any proceedings brought because of an alleged odour nuisance it may be a relevant consideration if the company has adhered to the code of practice to the best of its ability ’ .
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