Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [pers pn] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Oh er of course they erm , they did n't believe in married women working and er they thought a married woman should be at home you see , well I had n't got any family then you see , until er after oh we 'd been married a number of years when we had , when I had my first baby and er and then I had the other one pretty quickly and er then I was glad to go out to work again when they were school age , they were n't left unattended at all er one , the elder one looked after the one , we did n't live , we lived in then but erm there was n't any pressure for me to stay at home , it was with my husband 's consent , because he knew it was helping out because rent man 's wages were n't very good then , and erm he er he finished , he finished at the pits you see and he got a job rent collecting , and he er he used to do miles he 'd cycle part of the way and then er he 'd perhaps leave his cycle somewhere and call back for it , but he used to do all the and all round there , there 's a place called and then er a lot of places er he used to do the old , is this , is this on , erm he used to do round , round the top there there were some slums there .
2 I 'm afraid it still does happen that there is fanaticism , which is fanaticism is , as I understand it , self-righteousness with a strong religious dimension , and it does happen and I 've spoken of forces that erode it , but they can also exacerbate it , irritate it , into stronger activity , and of course we erm in the United Kingdom do n't have to look very far to see that happening , and it is , I think , a very great threat .
3 and then you start of cou then you say right erm er let's keep hold of this information so these are retained and there 's also a benefit to the estate agent , and there 's the G A one which of course is er by coincidence is the Aberdeen one but of course we er you know we have them all around the country .
4 Now if we do n't do that of course we er we 're going to change lots of patterns , we 're going to potentially increase er commuting out of the area into Leeds , that 's not something which we feel is consistent with er planning policy guidance in the realm erm , I do n't think there 's anything as far as I know in R P G two which er says that adjoining authorities around West Yorkshire should n't er seek to make provision reasonable provision for their own er residents ' needs .
5 You 'd have a patch you see and your trousers would be patched , and er I had no brothers to sort of hand-me-downs so of course mine we went had to be worn out , and erm you 're normal attire in those days was a er a pair of trousers and a jersey , you did n't have a suit as such .
6 So I , I made him swap places as , er , with Bryony and of course he wou he was n't sitting there !
7 Rather unfortunate because er er of course you d I ca n't tell you which ones I 've done , which ones I have n't done , but all assignments will be back in six one eight , final year assignments , will be back in six one eight erm at some point early on Friday morning .
8 Er and then of course you erm you shared a kitchen , we shared a kitchen .
9 Of course you w of course you would Of course you would and it may be that what you will have to say is , Well look , erm I gave you the four per cent on the on the precision types and that that really has to stay , but by the time we by the time we 've done all the analysis on the er on the popular metrics , it will work out that it is is is only two per cent .
10 We moved it once and apparently it had to go a zoo after that cos when we moved it back it was about twelve foot long , and then of course it g grew even larger than that .
11 Of course it is .
12 Er instrumentalists , local instrumentalists but er overall of course it er i i i i it was the er er unemployed workers ' organization .
13 I have no idea of the date when it started but erm and of course it er anyway , it 's better now thank goodness .
14 And of course it th it 's more often done that with the kettle of course , so that it 's it by the time you get to the end of the job you do n't want a cup of tea anyway .
15 Mother would n't have anything to do with it whatsoever , do n't you bring anything , any of that stuff into our house , I mean of course it be this New Zealand lamb had just arrived on the scene before the First Word War , I mean nobody was , anybody dare have it I mean they 'd be standing on the pavement at eleven o'clock at night almost giving it away on Saturday night , but anyway that 's all changed now , we all eat it .
16 Of course it ai n't , ’ William said quickly .
17 I went er Turnip singling and then er one day they got to go hay making and of course I cou I had naught naught to do then .
18 And of course I er wirelessed the office headquarters in Edinburgh told them about this so they sent a mine sweeper out from Tobermory .
19 And of course I wa I was due to learn the trade , I was n't an apprentice .
20 So of course I g I was not bidding myself , Mr went to the auctioneer , Mr , he 's dead .
21 of course I ai n't
22 Of course I co could n't tell you now the different ways , they do what they like now .
23 Yeah so she 's er instead of just earning herself a bit of money she ai n't done bad has she ?
24 And that was about every other day she used to bake about ooh I forget whether it was fourteen pound or twenty eight pound of flour she us .
25 and erm at that time of course when we got to that sort of crisis we erm had to send a memo over to the er Clerk of the Council 's Department er .
26 it 's a function of age you er
27 In other words , you do n't have the political input that you presently do in erm state schools , and of course the school itself is not answerable to the Local Education Authority in terms of policy it erm it is almost a stand-alone exercise , with the financing coming directly from D E S.
28 For one thing Harlow is the sort of town which I 'd been agitating for both before and after the war whenever I was speaking on behalf of the Labour Party both at street corners and at public meetings on the type of life we vis envisaged for a normal person in the land .
29 But the thing is , if you fall out of bed you ai n't gon na sleep !
30 Erm , then the erm , the insistence of the driver 's conductors was they did n't like the long periods of duty they erm , they wanted the new set up so I introduced what we call straight duties , narrowed the relief portion , so they did n't go home for a meal , they had about a half an hour off , so they were able to get their eight hour duty done in a shorter period and they 'd probably finish about two instead of half past three , four o'clock .
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