Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , both the GCSE and records of achievement are likely to require a much wider range of assessment techniques to be employed than was normal for more knowledge-based examinations , with oral and practical components figuring significantly .
2 The contribution of NMDA receptors to synaptic transmission alters radically in response to a high-frequency input .
3 The yard is due to deliver a set of rig legs to British Gas for use in Morecambe Bay and an accommodation module to AGIP 's Tiffany oil field .
4 It is rather an attempt to move from a clearer understanding of support tasks to the organisation of skill ( and staff ) mixes required to perform support tasks .
5 However , the level of support activities to the oil industry was maintained with sales of gas oil reaching their highest level since the company was formed .
6 Services also tend to take this segmented approach rather than offering an integrated package of support services to families .
7 Even non-aligned Yugoslavia enacted new legal regulations in 1974 which permitted within limits the provision of support services to any ‘ non-aggressor ’ navy .
8 Sydney told Vic that there should be plenty of shell cases to be found over there , a delighted Vic explained that a workman had found hundreds and that the remains of the butts were still in place !
9 Instead , with memories of boyhood visits to his uncle , William Arthur Smith , ‘ a great worker with his hands ’ , who introduced the lad to lathes and elementary mechanics , Benson began to consider a career in handicrafts .
10 To ask the Minister for the Arts what recent assessment has been made of the effect on attendance figures of the introduction of admission charges to museums .
11 Pair of admission tickets to MOMA 's exhibition : $25
12 Some studies are being made ( by the Department of Energy amongst others ) of user responses to solar heating systems in private houses ; these are chiefly in order to iron out operating problems , since to obtain maximum benefit the home owner or tenant must pay a little more attention to energy use patterns with active solar collector systems and avoid leaving doors and windows open with passive systems .
13 It seems curious that for all those hard-riding , hard-drinking squires , the eternal search for a status symbol should have taken the form of building temples to nymphs and dryads .
14 The popularity of the water privatisation reduced the net receipts of building societies to £177million in November — the second lowest this year — the Building Societies Association says today .
15 Simultaneously , the His15 and Arg17 side chains of HPr would separate and the active centre would take on the strained open conformation ( Fig. 2 a ) , ready for the next cycle ; formation of hydrogen bonds to His15 and Arg17 would help to stabilize the open conformation and the protein would be in an overall energy minimum .
16 Since all the preferred cleavage sites contain a guanine base it is tempting to suggest that the specificity arises from the formation of hydrogen bonds to this base , possibly involving the 2-amino group [ 13 ] .
17 We doubt the accuracy of the 1990/91 analysis as to the proportion of effort assigned to different sectors of inspectors ’ activities , and reflect back to GAMTA 's 1983 submission to the CAA review then taking place when we recommended … that there should be more delegation of record checking to junior staff and even greater delegation of inspection functions to authorised personnel within AOC operations .
18 Is he aware that that situation will be compounded substantially by the fact that there are about 1,700 ex-service families currently inhabiting Ministry of Defence premises to which , strictly , they have no title ?
19 Gaviria alone among the major candidates stressed a determination to continue Barco 's campaign to defeat the drug cartels , rejecting the possibility of political dialogue with them although modifying Barco 's stance by opposing the " indiscriminate " extradition of drug traffickers to the United States .
20 In January 1990 the Congress was considering a government anti-drugs bill which contained a constitutional amendment to allow Ecuadorian nationals accused of drug offences to be extradited .
21 Similarly , although Wirral GPs notified an exceptionally large number of drug addicts to the Home Office during 1983 , the significance of this was not quickly identified even by regional Drugs Branch .
22 The project will be officially launched in Moscow next month , with the first shipments of computer products to the West due in late 1992 .
23 Transfer of computer consumables to be arranged between CW and Bill Nicholson .
24 And Cromadex , which serves a 6,000-strong network of end-users , aims to target the multitude of component suppliers to the larger customers .
25 Hence , Herring et al. ( 1988 ) described the design of SQL extensions to a new object-oriented GIS ; Abel ( 1988 ) has reported work on the creation of SQL-based spatial extensions to a relational database in the ‘ Spatial Information in a Relational Open-architecture database management system ’ ( SIRO-DBMS ) project ; and Ingram and Phillips ( 1988 ) have designed spatial extensions to a hybrid GIS data model .
26 This allocation of bargaining rights to minority unions in some cases ( thereby institutionalising union pluralism ) may also help to explain the chronic weakness of union organisation in France over a long period .
27 There are of course things to be said also about Egypt and Carthage .
28 There are of course exceptions to the rule : you can ask someone the time , or for directions ; you can expect to attract comment if your behaviour is somehow deviant , for example you are hopping down the street dressed in a clown suit .
29 There are of course exceptions to the rules , and some of them well-known at that .
30 If their motive actually is er to enjoy seeing a fox torn to pieces er then I suggest to them er that is unbearable cruel there are of course objections to er this motion and to its further extension the banning of fox hunting altogether .
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