Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [modal v] make " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you need n't think that a couple of glasses of champagne will make any difference .
2 Will the Secretary of State confirm that whatever savings the Ministry of Defence may make by the regimental amalgamations proposed in ’ Options for Change ’ , there will be considerable on-costs to the public purse , through expenditure on unemployment and housing benefits ?
3 A limited number of periods of contrast will make for brevity ; adequate periods can lead to long themes .
4 Perhaps he half realised that the absence of worry would make his winter unendurable .
5 For final output the system must be able to calculate the number of lines and pages that a section of text will make , generate running heads and feet , and provide for the complete hyphenation , justification , and page make-up of the text .
6 The return of Latin would make them feel as if they were experiencing something mysterious and exalted , something greater than themselves .
7 Most men with a modicum of experience can make a woman feel special , you know , ’ he murmured soothingly .
8 Some of the Scotsmen talked of getting Ramsey as Bishop of Edinburgh but not enough of the Scotsmen wanted an Englishman and no doubt there were those who wondered whether this professor who lived among clouds of glory would make a bishop who perforce lived in a too real world .
9 I approved of Paddy Ashdown 's commitment to spending more on education — but then no amount of money will make education good if the unions and the race relations industry are running the show .
10 Any moment now , one burst of shooting would make Harriet Shakespeare childless and turn the Hare-woman into a murderess .
11 The use of AID would make this an unlikely event .
12 The effects of the international division of labour should make it easier for workers in these countries to discard their role of real or supposed world labour aristocracy and recognise that their fate on the world labour market is inseparably linked with that of their fellow workers in the underdeveloped countries .
13 And a nice cup of tea 'll make you feel better .
14 A cup of tea could make the difference between a boxer fighting in one division or another .
15 erm I must confess I 've always had rather a soft spot for macro mutations , I do n't know why , it may have had something to do with Goldsmith 's prose , which is sort of rather moving when you get into it , erm and partly , and this is an interesting comment as an aside , that I knew as an undergraduate that to argue in favour of Goldsmith would make my teachers in general , and Professor J B S Halldane in particular , exceedingly angry and making one 's teachers angry is , after all , one of the activities into which undergraduates should occasionally go .
16 In any case , others have doubted that this type of thinking would make worthwhile savings and have countered that ‘ … we should allocate resources according to the probability that a patient will benefit rather than his or her age ’ , and that ‘ physiology not age should determine care ’ .
17 I had hoped that the allegations of fraud might make our path easier on this one , but the Admiral himself admits that there really is no legal transgression that he can yet point to .
18 Sara knew that he hoped a change of scene would make her change her mind about Matthew .
19 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
20 UN inspectors arrived in Baghdad on June 26 to supervise the destruction at Muthana , 130 km north-west of the capital , of 60 items of equipment used to make casings for chemical bombs .
21 April 's pursuing compensation though no amount of mony can make up for what she 's lost .
22 The Treasury hopes that the new rates of return will make those companies still on the privatisation back-burner , such as British Coal and British Rail , leaner and more efficient .
23 He also continued to affirm that the introduction of divorce would make it more difficult for people to lead ‘ good moral lives ’ .
24 Let her take a favourite toy or comfort object with her , as sometimes a little piece of home can make her feel more secure among strangers .
25 Those who deal with firearms are generally aware of the attendant risks , and the days when those involved in motoring and other forms of transport could make light of the risks to life have now long passed , as various air , sea , rail , and road disasters have occurred .
26 In fact at one stage I thought this lack of drama might make poor reading , however , as I progressed I realised that the Club 's story was a neat piece of social-history entwined with personalities and tested by problems .
27 A carrier wishing to take proceedings to enforce his right of recovery may make his claim before the competent court … of the country in which one of the carriers concerned is ordinarily resident …
28 Euro-American society is already suffering from a bad self-esteem problem , and I expect that an uncritical belief in the moral supremacy of nature will make it worse .
29 She described the events of the evening slowly , as if afraid that one word out of place would make Annie more sceptical than ever .
30 High rates of non-response may make the prevalence estimates invalid .
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