Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 See if we got that bottle of whisky got a bottle of Bells .
2 When baking in combination with the hot air mode , the touch of a button releases an instant cloud of moisture giving a smooth and glazed surface , and ensuring that the dough rises evenly .
3 The loss of moisture makes the face cave in , look like a skull .
4 Little beads of moisture dotted the upper lip .
5 The man of unity possesses no rivals for the very meaning of unity is to be at one with all men and all things .
6 The Labour Unity Campaign Committee statement issued for " Unity Sunday " on 18 July 1937 called on " all supporters of unity to put the utmost energy into the work of rousing the Labour Party membership to the need for immediate struggle for the demands listed in the programme and to lead the revival campaign by their example of practical work " .
7 Others might argue that this idea of the personal as a form of unity admitting the most internal complexity is beside the point .
8 In the same way , in geography and biology records of field-work form the most important part of the examination , enthusiasm and imagination being properly rewarded .
9 A promising early phase of play brought a sloppy opening goal in the 13th minute , when Hamilton lodged a long kick into the heart of the Dundee United half .
10 For Piaget , the activity of play represents a major advance in the ability of the child to control its own environment and engage in a variety of strategies .
11 The game could also provide links to the new topic by various levels of play providing a variety of challenges .
12 Rules of play became a priority and the pit on the 3rd in front of the tee was temporarily classed as a hazard , the player having to drop and lose distance .
13 Parties for the Warwickshire team at Cranmer 's Saltdean bungalow on one of the evenings after the close of play became a tradition .
14 To check on your players ' health press Q while the game is paused and the ball is out of play to access the menu .
15 At most institutions , the preferred method of assessment combines the marks obtained by students in " continuous assessment " throughout the academic year with final examination results .
16 offer a consistent standard of good practice to users and to carers , whilst also recognizing that the process of assessment involves the exercising of judgement , whether professional judgement or subjective judgement of users and carers .
17 This form of assessment presents the student with the opportunity of displaying practical skills which may involve the completion of a specified task or procedure or the production of an artifact .
18 Those schemes which included " practical test " among their modes of assessment used the term to mean either a task using manipulative materials or one-to-one interactive interviews of the Assessment of Performance Unit type .
19 The process of assessment incorporates a number of key elements and involves the assessors ( including users and carers ) in bringing to bear a wide range of observational , communication , interpersonal , cognitive , and analytic skills .
20 These examples of assessment illustrate a variety of purposes , including :
21 The introduction of the national curriculum and new modes of assessment provide a context for the study .
22 This variety of lily produces the most beautiful fully-double white blooms — possibly the best white lily ever cultivated .
23 Not us not us , every time I speak to somebody about something , you know marketing can do it , y'know everybody 's d giving away free tickets as a way out of y'know compensate the people , re-dressing the situation .
24 Dr John Prescott of the CSIRO , Australia 's national research organisation , and colleagues at the Sensory Research Centre in Sydney looked at how different amounts of capsaicin affected the flavour and intensity of solutions of sugar and salt .
25 They found that even small amounts of capsaicin increased the perceived strength of the solutions .
26 A trout can detect the smell of chemicals of shrimp diluted a thousand million times , while the sensitivity of an eel is a thousand million times greater still .
27 Although UN-mediated negotiations were resumed in April 1989 in Geneva [ see p. 36602 ] , the lack of progress led the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , to express on Aug. 20 ( the first anniversary of the ceasefire ) his " deep regret " that " the withdrawal of forces to internationally recognized boundaries [ had ] yet to take place " .
28 The distinctive characteristic of these writers was their belief in progress : the belief , in particular , that the system of international relations that had given rise to the First World War was capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order ; that under the impact of the awakening of democracy , the growth of the ‘ international mind ’ , the development of the League of Nations , the good works of men of peace or the enlightenment spread by their own teachings , it was in fact being transformed ; and that their responsibility as students of international relations was to assist this march of progress to overcome the ignorance , the prejudices , the ill-will , and the sinister interests that stood in its way .
29 The Fijian traditional communal system of livelihood has a tendency to restrict initiative for commercial expansion and development so that there is a need to modify commercial values to meet with the demands of modern commercialism , This , in a nutshell , is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do .
30 However , it is well recognised by conservationists that the modern pace and scale of change poses a threat which is quite unprecendented .
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