Example sentences of "be taken to the " in BNC.

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1 You can ask for the visits to be extended , but before you get that you 're taken to the governor and asked why you want it longer and who is coming to visit you .
2 The doctor 's certificate must be taken to the Registrar of Births and Deaths in the registration sub-district where the death occurred , normally within five days .
3 If someone dies in hospital , they may rest in the hospital mortuary , or the funeral director will arrange for the body to be taken to the chapel of rest .
4 Everyone has the right to a church funeral , and for the body to be taken to the church , but it is not necessary to have a service at a funeral whether it is a burial or a cremation .
5 We moved from the orchard taking the prisoners with us and leaving the wounded to be taken to the rear .
6 On the other hand agricultural land is fixed so that beasts and tools have to be taken to the fields and then off them .
7 The machine could either stand on the threshing floor of an orthodox flail-threshing barn , which provided shelter from the weather , or it could be taken to the ricks in the fields .
8 ASOFTLY-SOFTLY approach is to be taken to the owners of one of Britain 's strangest threatened landscapes , the Clint-and-Gryke limestone pavements of the Yorkshire Dales .
9 The shop stewards also decided that all accident and emergency cases would be taken to the nearest accident and emergency department .
10 The day was still dank and moist when I emerged , but I called a taxi from the rank outside , and asked to be taken to the ruins of Holford House , once the home of Mr Harvey-Beaumont .
11 Outside the church , I found a taxi rank , jumped in a taxi and asked to be taken to the village that gave County Louth its name .
12 Then we were requested to assemble in the lobby , ready to be taken to the Riverside Theatre for the opening public event .
13 Given the ecumenical spirit which has prevailed in many school religious assemblies for a number of years , it was hardly surprising that serious objection would be taken to the emphasis on Christian traditions that was incorporated into the law on collective worship .
14 He especially liked to be taken to the home of a couple , to sleep securely between them if they 'd let him , and then in the morning to ask them questions about their house , about the furniture which they 'd chosen together .
15 Usually , his penis is then packed in ice — and he may well have to be taken to the operating theatre to have the blood clot removed from inside it .
16 Maria kept asking to be taken to the theatre .
17 Two approaches can be adopted to minimize the response time : a simple approach is to devise portable GIS which can be taken to the hazard ; a more complex solution is to couple the GIS to real-time monitoring systems .
18 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
19 Need to be taken to the toilet at routine intervals , usually two-hourly .
20 She had fervently hoped to be taken to the sergeant with the kindly expression and ruddy cheeks , or one of the men in the trailer , but it was not to be .
21 It suggests that the courts are entitled to be satisfied that certain minimal procedural requirements have been fulfilled but that , thereafter , and provided that they are fulfilled , no objection can be taken to the validity of the Act on grounds of its substantial content .
22 The output of the a.m. tuner may be taken to the ‘ auxiliary ’ input of almost any hi-fi audio amplifier .
23 The other side of R6 has a wire attached which should be taken to the common ( -V ) foil track on the main board .
24 It was argued that many disputes which were previously resolved by headmen would be taken to the new courts .
25 ‘ I introduced myself to a senior police officer as an international terrorist who would like to be taken to the England dressing room .
26 In which period should the refund be taken to the profit and loss account ?
27 As I passed what had been the marshalling yard and sidings , I glanced at the rows of rusting buffer stops and rotting wooden buffer beams , and conjured up a picture of its lines of laden coal wagons waiting to be despatched and the coal empties waiting to be taken to the collieries to be filled .
28 Hitler 's deputy , no less , baling out over Scotland then surrendering amiably to a farmer and demanding to be taken to the Duke of Hamilton .
29 He was guilty of blasphemy and could now be taken to the Roman Governor with the recommendation that he suffer the death penalty .
30 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
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