Example sentences of "be part [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For the United States , this has been part of its purpose as an aspect of counter-insurgency policy : to prevent the mass of the population defecting to the FMLN and its allies , and to deal with the social and economic costs of about half a million displaced persons .
2 , Thomas ( d. c. 1276 ) , revolutionary mayor of London 1263–5 , was a draper with considerable property in the city , whose family had been part of its aldermanic ruling class since at least the 1220s .
3 It would have been part of their worship and prayers to say with confidence , ‘ Glory belongs to God ’ .
4 In many other trades , crafts and professions , vocational qualifications have been part of their prosperous development and I therefore commend to you that we be attentive .
5 And two women pictured chatting at a cottage door ‘ Miss Jewitt and Miss Carter , Mickley 1921 , ’ as Louisa 's typically matter-of-fact caption notes sport fanciful bonnets that ca n't have been part of their everyday dress .
6 Self-confidence had not been part of her education so , despite her brief period of employment at de Levantiére 's , she felt insecure and nervous when she met new people .
7 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
8 Miss Hannah Hauxwell , dressed in men 's trousers and old jacket so torn that it looked as though savaging by wolf packs had once been part of her daily routine , looked at me mildly .
9 Fully awake now , Polly lay absolutely still , her mind racing as she tried to work out what was real and what had been part of her dream .
10 That had certainly been part of her reason for slipping away .
11 Whereas in the UK a general degree is a particular type of undergraduate curriculum , in the USA general education has for long been part of everyone 's undergraduate degree , along with electives ( options ) and a major subject .
12 Been part of my mental baggage for many a year . ’
13 When he was at school , Gazzer 's graffiti had been part of his act : another way of establishing himself as a ‘ character ’ , of making his mates laugh .
14 As we did so he explained he had taken the day off , instead of next Sunday , which would have been part of his free week-end .
15 This may , however , have simply been part of his lifelong preoccupation with correct dress : one friend remarked that his clothes were English , his underclothes American . "
16 I wanted to live awhile among those who had been part of his childhood and his last few years .
17 The confrontation between President Zviad Gamsakhurdia and opposition forces , including those who had once been part of his regime as fellow nationalists , continued throughout October .
18 And although Big Flame was never an ‘ entryist ’ party-within-a-party , like some of the Trotskyite groups , including Militant Tendency , everyone who had been part of it remained friends .
19 This new interest has not relied simply on a moral redefinition of ‘ crime ’ to draw attention to analogous , but uncriminalised , activities of the ruling class ( although that has been part of it ) .
20 Not that he did n't know its history — he had been part of it , if only as a silent witness of his brothers ' refusal to join the Fenian organisation which had started trying to recruit the young men of their day .
21 He 's a Russian émigré — came out just after the Revolution , although he had been part of it himself , and I do n't think he 's ever really settled down to ordinary life .
22 Even those of us too young to have been part of it are still under the spell of the culture of activism formed around it .
23 Unlike the passages on Seyh Abdulkerim , Molla Abdulkerim or Molla Yegan , however , about all of whom Mustakimzade has some sort of reservation , this passage on Hizir Bey contains no reference to or any derivation of it ; and it would seem from his particular vagueness in relation to Hizir Bey and his failure to accord him a separate article that while he is aware of the claim that Hizir Bey became Mufti , he is unsure of his relationship to the main stream of Muftis and probably regards him as not having been part of it .
24 An almost unquestioned belief in the street people had long been part of It 's rhetoric , with or without the romanticization of the drop-out , from Kerouac through to Emmett Grogan .
25 I 'm just delighted to have been part of it all .
26 Natch if the operation had gotten the go-code , that List would only have been part of it .
27 And it 's much more usual for that kind of thing to happen , so that you are more likely to get a , a minister who has a very good idea about how erm the civil service functions because he 's been part of it .
28 But micrometeorites often have a loose texture , which suggests that they have never been part of anything big , heavy and hot .
29 ‘ I had too much respect for Yule Craig and would not have been part of anything that let him down .
30 You can at least see or hear , which has been part of your ordinary physical development .
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