Example sentences of "be made for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , they help to explain why it is that the average length of custody imposed by the higher courts is a historically proven index of prison population generally , once allowance has been made for changes in the level of recorded crime ( Home Office , 1956 ; but cf.
2 Provisional bookings have already been made for entertainers like Freddie Starr , Bob Monkhouse and Tammy Wynette to play the former Beehive Ballroom in McMullen Road .
3 Overall British backing for the relationship was apparently marginally less in 1963 ( 67 per cent ) than in 1952 , though when allowance has been made for differences in the questions asked it would seem that the proportion who were strongly pro-American had actually increased .
4 However , special arrangements have been made for coaches bringing people to the Tattoo and your cooperation is sought to ensure that your drivers are fully conversant with the information given below .
5 No allowance has been made for variations in local water — but with a pH between 7 and 8 most bread-and-butter tropicals will survive .
6 Once allowance has been made for variations in cortical function it should then be possible to identify the function of the subcortical area .
7 People will be unable to reach their offices in St Mary Axe today , but arrangements have been made for police to escort staff to premises in adjoining streets .
8 Throughout the calculation of indirect employment , allowance has been made for leakages attributable to import penetration — particularly in the case of overseas advertising expenditure .
9 Orders have been made for costs to be paid by the plaintiffs to the defendants with a direction that the costs be taxed on the standard basis , if not agreed .
10 ( 3 ) That on the taking of the said accounts and inquiry costs of and incidental to proceedings on an indemnity basis are not to be disallowed on the ground that an order has already been made for costs of and incidental to those proceedings to be taxed on a standard basis unless it should appear that in making the said order the court intended thereby to deprive the defendants of the right to add those costs or some part thereof to the mortgage security .
11 A fresh appeal 's been made for witnesses to the murder of teenager who was stabbed to death at a social services office .
12 The ways in which intonation does this are very complex , and many suggestions have been made for ways of isolating different functions .
13 There is greater awareness of the problems of excessive placental transfusion ( hyperbilirubinaemia , polycythaemia and hypervolaemia ) than of the hazards of hypovolaemia , but claims of reduced preterm mortality with delayed umbilical cord ligation have been made for years .
14 b ) Arrangements have been made for repairs to the footway between Nos 540 and 580 Lanark Road .
15 At this stage you should explain what arrangements ( if any ) have been made for expenses .
16 It had all trees on it and looked as if it had been made for picnics .
17 So far , bookings have been made for exhibitions well into 1992 .
18 But more often than not these decisions are made for reasons which have little or nothing to do with creativity .
19 Charges to patients are made for drugs , appliances , dentistry , spectacles and , most recently , opticians ' services .
20 My Hon. Friend should also remember that equally generous arrangements are made for Members of the House of Commons in the House of Lords .
21 ( b ) Deductions are made for areas swept more than once .
22 Students might be required , for example , to sketch the layout of the kitchen , noting the position of fire-extinguishers and emergency exits , they might be asked to note the pattern of use in the restaurant ; which are peak hours ; what sort of music is played ; what arrangements are made for smokers ; what is the cleaning cycle for bedrooms and corridors ; what sort of internal accounting system is used — the list could go on , but all are investigative tasks which need the help of hotel staff and which , if properly recorded can be assessed .
23 ( 5.1 ) unc PAR is an associative operator , provided suitable provisions are made for alphabets .
24 Tina stayed for no more than six months but some good , hard-working , idealistic people remained , the kind who are made for communes and communes for them , and they mended the window frames and grew vegetables in the garden .
25 No special allowances are made for graduates , either .
26 Something of the problem defined by Jameson would also apply to the reading of longer poems , but I believe it would be more manageable ; with poetry , a better case can be made for homologies between style and structure .
27 In determining an appropriate dividend yield , regard should be had not only for comparable public company yields but allowance should also be made for factors such as non-negotiability , dividend cover , asset backing etc .
28 An allowance is to be made for variations between firms or sectors in the propensity to patent .
29 But unlike Chomsky 's ideal linguistic competence , stylistic competence is an ability which different people possess in different measure , so that although there may be a great deal in common between different English speakers " responsiveness to style , allowance must be made for differences of degree and kind .
30 These findings suggest that fixed-term contract workers and agency workers are not always direct substitutes for one another ( in other words , that resort to one might be made for reasons very different than resort to the other ) .
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