Example sentences of "be still hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So we 're testing , those priorities are still holding for us that but we 're applying them to the localities .
2 The two main leaders of the multi-party movement , arrested last July on the eve of the riots , are still held without charge .
3 Political opponents continue to be arbitrarily arrested ; the death sentence against Salman Rushdie has not been lifted ; at least 13 western hostages ( six Americans , five Britons and two Germans ) are still held by pro-Iranian kidnappers in Lebanon .
4 It is possible , however , that such once commonsensical opinions are still held by many , perhaps most people in this country , even though they are afraid to say so .
5 Hand boring competitions are still held in Cornwall and elsewhere , and remarkable penetration rates have been achieved — depths of up to 13 inches in 6 minutes are not unknown for a team of two strikers and one drill turner .
6 In meetings with UK Prime Minister John Major and French President Mitterrand Sheikh al Sabah also discussed financial matters and raised the question of the 2,242 Kuwaiti citizens said to be still held by Iraq .
7 ATC were still held in awe , and he had n't wanted to admit to Benson that he was lost .
8 Fraenkel 's view was that kinship ties were still held in high regard , and 1 believe this to be still true , however irksome people may find them .
9 Two hundred Iraqi prisoners-of-war were said by Iran to have been released on Oct. 29 ; according to the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) more than 20,000 Iraqis were still held in Iran .
10 As late as 1931 , the war records of Labour candidates were still held against them , although by then Ramsay MacDonald , like Lloyd George before him , had been forgiven his sins .
11 They were still held within the vice of their own fields , with all the complicated property rights which made it impossible to secure land for building development .
12 Feast Sunday in Holmfirth is the Sunday before Whitsuntide , and the sing is still held on this traditional day .
13 So basically , you 've put them on hold , you 're going to have a private conversation , and the call is still held at your handsets .
14 Stussy is still held in high regard too , although more surfers sport French bleus — the cotton workwear they can pick up cheap when driving through Europe .
15 point base of ten rather than a power of two ; normally the exponent is still held in binary format .
16 As a constituency Member , he was without equal , and there is no doubt of the respect and affection in which he was and is still held in our constituency . ’
17 This attitude is still held by many early Tillers today .
18 This attitude is still held by some major climbers .
19 In the south they were either pagan or more probably belonged to that archaic South Arabian form of Judaism which is still held by the Falashas .
20 The license is still held by the local vicar , although not for much longer .
21 In other words , Athens was still holding to the idea of a central Greek , religiously based land empire .
22 Indeed , by April 15 the number of mines affected by the strike nationwide had actually risen to 163 , and at the end of April the strike was still holding in most of those mines .
23 But we must not be confused by this : a wide variety of views had been held on the relations of popes and emperors , bishops and kings , in the tenth century ; a wide variety was still held in the twelfth .
24 However , the Mole was still held by Germans , and moving back to the Old Entrance Bob Ryder saw that somebody — a party from an ML ?
25 Despite myself , my regard was still held by the stupendous figure prone before me .
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