Example sentences of "be still [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 If we 're still to be bombarded by these people — ’
2 As one teacher said , ‘ I am still to be convinced whether the energy and time required to do effective evaluation would balance the increased efficiency in teaching which might follow . ’
3 a rigorous attempt to Think the limits of that principle of reason which has shaped the emergence of Western philosophy , science and technology at large … the activity of deconstruction is strictly inconceivable outside the tradition of enlightened rational critique whose classic formulations are still to be found in Kant ( Norris 's italics ) .
4 And so there are still to be found Latinists who think that the hilarious mistranslations in his Homage to Sextus Propertius ( 1919 ) were inadvertent rather than mischievously deliberate .
5 S is meant to stand for sporting but perhaps not too sporting , since both the RS2000 and Escort Cosworth are still to be put on sale .
6 There is an inexorable logic about McCabe 's observation of the process by which the child Francie 's engaging , restless , questioning personality is gradually mutated by a brutalising absence of love or understanding or any sort of kindness , into that of a deranged adult murderer , behind whose insane and degraded behaviour , are still to be seen the vestigial lineaments of an injured child .
7 Extensive lead mining was done on Grassington Moor , north-east of this Wharfedale village , from at least as early as the Tudor period , and some remains of the industry are still to be seen , mainly dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
8 It is also conceivable that there are still natural laws which are still to be discovered and named .
9 The middle levels , where scurrying impulses form them selves into thoughts and feelings , are still to be filled .
10 This sense of being on fresh ground where new aspects of behaviour , new distributions and even new species are still to be discovered , adds greatly to the book 's fascination as a comprehensive account of the family .
11 However , there are still to be found undertones of catastrophism in many Marxist writings , even though the authors would reject any explicit adherence to such ideas .
12 The Percys subsequently appear as lords of Leconfield , who built an 84 roomed castle west of Main Street , the old and original part of Leconfield , surrounded by a wide and deep moat , the remains of which are still to be seen .
13 These names are still to be found on prestigious labels on madeira wine bottles .
14 The labels of the wine company are still to be seen today , and their wine is shipped by the Madeira Wine Company Lda .
15 Their predecessors are still to be found , sometimes cheaply with those who do not know their true significance and worth .
16 It remains to be said that perhaps as many again ( and maybe many more ) airframes are still to be found , truly catalogued and , hopefully , salvaged in the vastness of the Pacific area .
17 Some drag and drop issues , such as how an application will be launched when a file associated with that application is opened , are still to be resolved .
18 James Harris , writing in 1751 , saw that ‘ all Conversation passes between Particulars or Individuals ’ , and argued that when , at the formative stages of human language , a speaker met another whose name he did not know he addressed him by using ‘ , that is , Pointing , or Indication by the Finger or Hand , some traces of which are still to be observed as a part of that Action which naturally attends our speaking ’ .
19 Details of the arrangement between the government and insurers are still to be finalised .
20 All of Ptolemy 's original groups are still to be found on our maps , though their boundaries have been modified in many cases .
21 Unfortunately , few works survive from Hofmann 's long Matisse-influenced sojourn in Paris ( 1904–14 ) and Expressionist period in Munich ( 1914–32 ) , but traces of these phases are still to be detected in Hofmann 's vivid use of colour in his later abstractions .
22 There are certain problems that must be solved ( childcare is number one ) , certain inequalities , both in the workplace and home , that are still to be ironed out , but in your personal lives you know precisely where you are going .
23 We shall be trying to get tickets for Phantom of the Opera , but details are still to be confirmed , as it is still a very popular show .
24 In Canada , although there are few opportunities for training outside the big city , high standards of worship and music are still to be found in places .
25 The Romans found the Dalmatian environment congenial , and the traces of their colonisation are still to be found in coastal cities such as Zadar , Šibenik and , above all , Split .
26 Another group whose origins and way of life marked them out from the Serbs were the gypsies ( cigani or romi ) who are still to be found throughout Serbia and Macedonia .
27 Management awareness profiles are potentially useful , but mechanisms to make them effective in changing behaviour are still to be developed .
28 The walls of this house where the smith lived and made the " Claidheamh Ceannlleach " are still to be seen at Caonis gall not far from Kilchoman church .
29 ’ Gustave complains in this letter to Bouilhet about the dangers of planning a project too thoroughly : ‘ It seems to me , alas , that if you can so thoroughly dissect your children who are still to be born , you do n't get horny enough actually to father them . ’
30 As you prepare for the change in 1990 you should bear in mind that further regulations on the new Business Rate are still to be published .
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