Example sentences of "be both [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Fishermen on the south coast of France and from the Solomon Islands are both credited with the power to call dolphins from the sea .
2 Jayne Naylor , 26 , of Wimborne Road , Huyton , and Gary Blower , 22 , of Chillerton Road , Deysbrook , are both charged with murdering ‘ Old Jack ’ , as Mr Goult was known , at his home in Woolfall Heath Avenue , Huyton , on Friday .
3 ‘ You are both covered with straw , chéri , ’ Claudine said with a glance at Jenna that was pure malice .
4 These independent intermediary outcome variables are both associated with improved final outcome .
5 In other words , the two meanings ‘ male cousin ’ and ‘ female cousin ’ are both associated with the same lexical unit cousin , whose meaning is more general than either ; they therefore do not represent distinct senses of cousin .
6 When the problems associated with the microscopic diagnosis , particularly in women , are coupled with the difficulties in the ‘ horticultural ’ aspects of the gonococcus , and these are both combined with the reluctance of specialists in certain countries to examine material from potentially infected patients , it is not surprising that the reported rates for gonorrhoea from some areas are absurdly low .
7 Rachel found herself following him into the social club and a few minutes later when they were both seated with their drinks in the same window-seat where they had sat before she said , ‘ So what 's your connection with Conway House ? ’
8 Madame 's room above The Bar had a large glass-fronted bookcase , and also a high bookshelf running right round the red-lacquered ceiling , and they were both stacked with biographies and autobiographies of financially successful women ; courtesans , couturiers , financiers , novelists , acrobats , madams , actresses , mistresses , singers and wives .
9 Austen Chamberlain and Walter Long were both treated with respect by Law , tribute to their withdrawal in his favour in 1911 , but they reacted very differently .
10 The name Piper appears again in 1649 , when a John Piper and his wife Marjory were both charged with scolding .
11 They were both charged with assault on a constable in the execution of his duty .
12 There were inter-party rivalries within the UUUC and inter-factional rivalries within the parties and , although Paisley and I belonged to different parties , the fact that we were both identified with the Black case was not necessarily always helpful .
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