Example sentences of "be given their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the finishing cropper where carpets are given their final sheer to achieve a smooth and even surface , £25,000 is being invested on an automatic height adjuster .
2 NCT has been invited to join as an associate member and , our President , is our rep. on this advisory body to the government whose terms of references are ‘ to ensure by all possible means that the informed opinions of women are given their due weight in the deliberations of government . ’
3 I am satisfied that it can not be said that section 6(2) is unworkable if the words of that provision are given their wide general meaning .
4 ‘ No. 3 is the new paint shop , a magnificent department where all new vehicles are given their distinctive livery .
5 It is a basic principle of interpretation that ordinary words are given their ordinary meaning .
6 But in rock these aspects are given their particular shape by , and centred on , a collectively understood manipulation of amplified sound .
7 With such guidelines , the courts could be given their traditional role of investigating the merits of disputes and helping the party who is right …
8 Held , allowing the appeal , that it was not possible , in construing the expression ‘ any person ’ in section 238 of the Insolvency Act 1986 , to identify any particular limitation which could be said to represent the presumed intention of Parliament in enacting the legislation , and the words had to be given their literal meaning , unrestricted as to persons or territory ; and that the court , therefore , had jurisdiction under section 238 to make an order against a foreigner resident abroad ; that , having regard to the unambiguous terminology of rule 12.12(1) of the Insolvency Rules 1986 , the jurisdiction deriving from it to order service out of the jurisdiction was not to be confined , by analogy , to cases falling within R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order would be set aside and the registrar 's order restored ( post , pp. 701A–D , 702E–F , 704C–D , G , H , 705B ) .
9 Thus prima facie the words of exclusion clauses will be given their literal meaning ; the court will strive to give effect to the words used , and , where lists are used , the drafter must bear in mind the rules expressio unius est exclusio alterius and that general words in a list will be interpreted ejusdem generis with the specific words .
10 They would first have inspected judicial practice to see whether almost all other judges were agreed either that the words of a statute must be given their " literal " meaning , even when that was not what the legislators intended , or the opposite , that the words must not be given their literal meaning in these circumstances .
11 It was through the control of land use that post-war cities would be given their orderly structure ; major activity zones , such as residential , commercial , industrial and open space , would be sharply separated from each other .
12 Threatening , abusive or insulting should be given their ordinary meanings .
13 Distributes or displays to another person any writing , sign or other visible representation , should all be given their ordinary meanings .
14 ‘ use threatening , abusive or insulting words or behaviour ’ Threatening , abusive or insulting should be given their ordinary meanings .
15 In Brutus v. Cozens ( H.L. , 1973 ) Lord Reid said that the words must be given their ordinary English meaning .
16 The words used will be interpreted according to the so-called " golden rule " : they will be given their ordinary grammatical and literal meaning unless that produces absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy , when the literal meaning can be modified so as to avoid that absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy .
17 If technical legal words are used , they will normally be given their technical legal meaning , especially in a standard form document drafted by lawyers .
18 Certainly , these are important highlights and should be given their proper place and emphasis in the narrative .
19 1964 ) he maintained that Barth and Bultmann had come to represent the extremes of objectivism and subjectivism , and offered his own attempt to chart a middle way in which both the given truth of God and the need for it to be apprehended in the personal encounter of faith would be given their proper place .
20 With a heavy heart , Berry sat in an ante-room watching as a stream of employees were called in to be given their pink dismissal slips .
21 Clear and plain words will be given their clear meaning .
22 That being so , there was no reason why the words of section 29(3) should not be given their natural meaning and so read , the power was clearly all-embracing , subject only to the qualification that the Home Secretary could not lawfully require broadcasters to broadcast matter involving them in a breach of their statutory duty .
23 But tenants taking advantage of the system are being given their marching orders .
24 The Barbarians , who were actually Celts and were given their cruel name by their invaders , transported their stuff by sea or by horse and cattle ( and had links with Europe , incidentally ) , the Romans built roads .
25 Two members of the French side were given their marching orders and have since received substantial suspensions .
26 Benefit of the Doubt must be given that all employed by the Grand Canyon were brain damaged at birth and were given their bureaucratic procedure in India .
27 Until then , every studio had a cast list of thirty or forty top-billing actors and actresses and dozens of contracted young people who were provided with their acting lessons , their dance lessons , their speech lessons , and the young directors were given their directorial tests , and they all went into bat often .
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