Example sentences of "be used with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Note that the same basic method of connection is used for transformers which have twin 120 volt primary windings when they are used with continental 120 volt mains supplies .
2 Higher notes can be obtained ( e.g. at the opening of Stravinsky ‘ s Sacre du Printemps , where top Cs and Ds are used with extraordinary and eerie effect in the unaccompanied passage for solo bassoon with which that masterpiece begins ) but the B♭ given is a safe limit for the average player .
3 This latter point is not easily achieved , especially when questionnaires are used with small numbers .
4 Stock cubes should always be checked for their salt and calcium content before they are used with brown rice , and sweetcorn should always be cooked without salt .
5 The lower rows are used with conventional gliders ( which hang below the track ) so that the heading will cover the face of the track .
6 No more than a few hundred of these are used with any frequency .
7 Four hydraulic presses are used with these drop stamps for finning purposes .
8 Unison doublings do not help much , if at all , except in the case of high trumpet parts being doubled in unison by clarinets to give steadiness and confidence to the trumpets rather than for any definitely musical result ( e.g. clarinets have been used with great success to double the extremely high trumpet parts to be found in the works of Bach and Handel ) .
9 They have been used with great success in the analysis of repeated measures data and ar increasingly coming to be used to efficiently analyse complex sample surveys .
10 This method has been used with increasing success since the middle of the nineteenth century .
11 Though conceived for Third World kids the video has also been used with inner-city kids in Washington and New York and with Canadian Indian children .
12 Though conceived for Third World kids the video has also been used with inner-city kids in Washington and New York and with Canadian Indian children .
13 While not the most encouraging offer which a Prime Minister can receive , support from outside is a time-honoured formula and one which has frequently been used with much less excuse than Asquith had on this occasion .
14 Whether the teaching unit has been used with other classes — if so , whether the experience changed the teacher 's approach to its use .
15 Bt var israelensis ( Bti ) rapidly became the basis for commercial products for mosquito control and has been used with considerable success in many countries .
16 Recently a new group of drugs , cytosine and adenosine arabinoside , have been used with considerable success against generalized viral illness , particularly in people whose natural defence mechanisms are below par , but it remains to be seen whether it is feasible to use them on localized herpetic infection .
17 Although this technique is rather dubious mathematically , it does seem to work in practice , and has been used with these theories to make predictions that agree with observations to an extraordinary degree of accuracy .
18 The Act also tries to encourage sentencers to pass fewer custodial sentences by on the one hand extending to adult offenders the kind of statutory criteria that have been used with some success in the past on younger age groups ( see Chapter 9 ) ; and on the other hand by strengthening community penalties in the hope of increasing their appeal to sentencers .
19 A veteran of the Vietnam war , Abadia was a self-professed " field soldier " , and the architect of the army 's current " seize-hold-consolidate-develop " strategy which , since 1988 , had been used with some effect against the guerrilla insurgents of the New People 's Army ( NPA ) .
20 So gradually a fuller understanding of the actions of the remedies is obtained enabling them to be used with greater accuracy .
21 The same principle can be used with individual sinks contents continually discharging to the overflow .
22 Yarns with some texture , for example , usually need to be used with simple designs , since complex patterns do not show well .
23 Learners like hand-outs , but they should not be used with monotonous regularity to echo everything the teacher says .
24 So a resistance can be used with that and of course it indicates interest in the product ?
25 Originally designed for use with the popular five speed Taiwanese lathes , which are imported by a variety of companies , they can be used with other lathes to increase the capacity for bowl turning .
26 No alteration is necessary to the phones or their plug so they can be used with other equipment as normal .
27 They can also be used with other forms of security , thereby improving the overall protection of a property . , , .
28 A poor attendance rate can signal condoned truancy but it needs to be used with other measures of attendance , and on a regular basis , to help schools to improve pupils ' attendance .
29 Although the ordering algorithms were developed for hybridisation mapping projects , the software can be used with other types of data which can be interpreted as hybridisation-like events .
30 Image/SQL can be used with new applications , existing applications and SQL-based applications generation languages and client-server tools .
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