Example sentences of "be quite another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But learning in school seems to be quite another process , and very much less successful with the majority .
2 Your insults to myself I can stomach ; those you choose to demean an innocent young girl with are quite another thing .
3 The man hitherto thought to have played for Australia in the first two test ( meaning international ) matches on record , at Melbourne in 1876–77 , now turns out to have been quite another Hodges .
4 The Austrian officials were quite another matter ; middle-aged , self-confident , well dressed and courteous , they enquired how long I intended to stay , glanced in the boot , and waved me on with the hope that I would enjoy my stay .
5 Virtuous pagans , however , were quite another matter .
6 It 's quite another thing to share a summit with 60 people who express disappointment that there is no hot-dog stand .
7 And it 's quite another thing to foresee what 's going to happen , and then deliberately to prevent its happening .
8 Whether in the event owners would have consented is quite another question .
9 Whether the Russian landed aristocracy , landowners like Tolstoi 's Count Rostov or Chekhov 's Mme Ranevskaya , were more or less likely to transform themselves into agrarian capitalist entrepreneurs than ante-bellum plantation owners , dreaming of Walter Scott , is quite another question .
10 But whether golfers are worth the staggering cash they seem to bank is quite another subject and , before he died , I chose to ask this question of Henry Cotton who , as a young man , won three Open titles , but comparatively small cheques to go with them .
11 The only naturally efficient form of community care is the family — but that is quite another story .
12 But that is quite another story .
13 Finding a character that is true in every moment is quite another matter .
14 Peter Robinson 's essay on Pound and Italian art is quite another matter : altogether more ambitious and probing .
15 Preparing yourself for a visit to an elderly parent who may not be exactly on your list of favourite people is quite another matter .
16 One respondent said : ‘ The amount of R&D expenditure is one thing , the effectiveness of it is quite another matter . ’
17 As to whether Ipswich can raise their game against the Gunners is quite another matter and certainly the atmosphere from a full house on Saturday will be very different to last night .
18 To explain why it does so is quite another matter .
19 It is clear from the evidence on British kinship that people do acknowledge a wide range of uncles , aunts , nieces , nephews and cousins as forming part of their kin network in some sense , but whether these people place a significant part in structures of support is quite another matter .
20 Of course , it is quite another matter to go on to argue from this very limited piece of evidence that loss of the fricative in /xt/ was embedded in the English language as a whole as a completed sound-change at this early date .
21 Now , it is one thing for parties to produce programmes which offer a choice , but it is quite another matter as to whether the parties actually implement their programmes once in office .
22 Whether the magnitude of the income and substitution effects will be the same for indirect as for direct taxes is quite another matter .
23 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
24 Whether the property expressed by the postverbal adjective can be taken as applying factually to the referent behind the subject , is quite another matter .
25 How far this ‘ ideal ’ bourgeois patriarchy actually represented reality is quite another matter .
26 It is true that his programme is original , though whether it is funny is quite another matter .
27 But to accuse her unjustly , is quite another matter .
28 It 's all very well putting in applications for the bank to loan you large sums of money , but it is quite another thing to have them accepted .
29 It is quite another thing to suggest that it is therefore proper to place higher burdens of proof on defendants , and to restrict the presentation of the defence .
30 Another argument I must meet is that while it is one thing to tolerate behaviour and remove criminal sanctions , in this case concerning homosexual activities , it is quite another thing to facilitate and give recognition to unions built on such activities .
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