Example sentences of "be why [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 That might be why I did n't see it .
2 This is why we do not want to abandon the term inner city , either analytically or politically , only to ground it in the academic debates which have reproduced it conceptually , the political debates that have refashioned it discursively and , most significantly , the social injustices and inequalities that lend the term its emotive power and mobilising force .
3 That is why we do a little aerobic exercise every day — just enough to make us puff and exercise our heart without over-doing it .
4 ‘ We choose children who will fully appreciate this trip , which is why we do n't select those who are blind .
5 Er that 's becoming more recognized , which is why we do more routine things on people who appear fa yeah , it
6 What puzzles me is why we do n't do the obvious and go and find him .
7 This is why we do n't test at the ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine percent confidence level because the higher you 'll , the smaller the probability making a type one error essentially er is significance level , right the larger the probability will make a type two error , right , a type two error denotes the power of the test .
8 Which is why we do n't use D for distance .
9 ‘ Because that team is almost all new , we were very wary of rushing in and making inappropriate changes , which is why we did nothing permanent with the marketing of the 1992 Festival which was Brian McMaster 's first .
10 That is why we did n't , we would of liked to have had it but the cost to put the mains gas in was going to be so enormous
11 This is why they do not , if they can possibly avoid it , pay the taxes the state can legitimately call for , obey the signs it reasonably puts up in the streets , and so on .
12 In fact , the convictions these arguments try to explain are the product of the second approach , of a deep personification of political and social community , and that is why they do not challenge the Kantian thesis that no one is to blame for what he has not himself done .
13 ‘ But what I ca n't understand is why they did n't just take our project in the first place .
14 This is why he does not cut them off , ’ said an aide to the Prince in Bangkok last week .
15 Well well that is why he do n't need to put anything in his ears .
16 The mystery really , is why he did it .
17 Bodie said , ‘ What I do n't understand is why he did n't attack the family immediately his daughter died ?
18 But he has the flu and that is why he did not travel .
19 ‘ What I do n't understand is why you did n't say all this before .
20 What I do n't understand , ’ he added softly , ‘ is why you did n't give me a chance to tell you how it was from my point of view .
21 The leopard has been listed as a species in danger of extinction since CITES was concluded in Washington 10 years ago , which is why you do not , or at least should not , see leopard skin coats and hats in London 's expensive fur shops .
22 What I do not understand is why you do n't love me . ’
23 I 'd guess this is why you do n't want to make love — you feel this is the only reason he needs you .
24 which is why you do n't see a voltage at the same leg really
25 This is why it does throw you quite a lot if another actor forgets his move , because it churns up in your brain the sequences you 've worked out and are expecting . ‘
26 That is why it does not surprise me in the least to hear from my hon. and learned Friend about the letter that he received yesterday from Mr. Beck 's erstwhile cellmate .
27 Since the radical reform could happen in the uncollectivist and weakly welfarist USA as well as in the collectivist and welfarist Italy , the obvious question to ask is why it did n't happen elsewhere in Europe .
28 Some of these chemicals do n't mix with water and this is why I did mention COSHH because they are working in er conditions and with chemicals that probably do n't mix with water , but you should know what the buffer is , yeah ?
29 ‘ This is why I did n't want to bring you , ’ he said finally .
30 I used to view the European Community as being an economic and political bloc confronting the East and COMECON , and that is why I did not believe that it was uniting Europe .
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