Example sentences of "be some [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Here are some tree diagrams showing how we fit into the conglomerate , and the management structure of the company .
2 Here are some comedy ideas .
3 ‘ At this level there are some land deals being done . ’
4 There are some withdrawal symptoms though do n't he ?
5 Most racket games are good examples , as are some ball games such as football .
6 If there are some brute facts , perhaps social , but founded in biological difference , which separate the lives and experience of women from those of men , may these not continue ineluctably to affect the moral ideals they may hold ?
7 Here are some horror stories — they may be all-too familiar .
8 Er , so that 's okay to an extent , but obviously we 've got an approved list of building societies and banks , which we never used to have , but we 've realized that er since B C C I p particularly and the housing market as bad as it is , there are some building societies and banks who may be in difficulties , and if they go down erm then they may not be taken over .
9 There are some syllabus makers , often expatriates , in all subjects , who would see anything African as desirable and anything European as irrelevant ; the antithesis of the old Euro-centred approaches and equally ridiculous .
10 So why are some State governments , notably those in the South , apparently unprepared to spend ‘ other people 's money ’ on some of their residents ?
11 And Banbury Town centre , there 's the Michaelmas Street Fair going on until Saturday , so there are some road closures and various diversions for traffic .
12 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
13 Here are some sample questions and answers ; as you can see , they do n't know much , and lack the mental equipment for intuitive or imaginative leaps .
14 However , there are some drafting points which should be considered .
15 ‘ After all , your mother is n't here and there are some things girls have to be told .
16 Tom and Jerry , yes , there are some suspect moments , the ones which gave rise to both the Theatre of Cruelty and the entire oeuvre of that cartoon copyist , Salvador Dali .
17 And there are some phone calls I have to make tonight — ’
18 There are some phone calls I have to make , then Drew has some papers for me to see , ’ he allowed , rising .
19 I will add a cautionary comment however , and say that you wo n't necessarily be able to change absolutely everything , at any time of the day or night , because there are some base requirements we have to address and we have to meet .
20 Seven hundred and forty which you may card to ignore , that there are some base dwellings .
21 The content changes with time , but there are some core questions , ‘ so we can track trends , ’ says Gerry Boyle , Communications Manager at Greenock .
22 You 'll be aware that the planning application is in , there are some grant applications in with two er bodies , erm the Newbury and Sherwood District Council , and the Foundation for Sports and Arts .
23 Qureshi and Simon 's ( 1987 ) work , on exchanges of assistance between elderly people and their kin , and Wilson 's ( 1987 ) findings on grandparents ' support for their grandchildren , both show that women as well as men give economic support to younger generations , but there are some gender differences in the type of support given .
24 The colour range is generally pink or mauve but there are some colour variations about , namely ‘ Midnight ’ with very deep blackcurrant purple flowers .
25 There are some licensing applications George .
26 There are some licensing applications Your Worships .
27 No I do n't think there were , there might have been one or two , yes I do know one that used to make some form of er something for the saddlery trade and you know those houses opposite the alms houses in Road , there are some alms houses on the one side , then there 's some houses that lie up steps on the other side of the road if they 're still there .
28 It is of course necessary for someone to look after them in the home , and though there are some back-up services available , the responsibility mainly falls on one person — usually a close relative or friend , usually a woman .
29 Over there is our herb garden , and here are some fruit trees , from which we are cultivating a new strain .
30 At the front of the rib transfer carriage there are some metal prongs .
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