Example sentences of "be n't just a " in BNC.

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1 There 's no excuse for what was said , but people are n't just a pile of words . ’
2 Had people coming in , they noticed that we are n't just a building there offering financial services , but we were actually interested again , in the local community .
3 Today 's stunt guarantees him a mention and proves that ideas inspired by a chat over a pint are n't just a load of hot air .
4 It was in the context not of an isolated individual saying it to another isolated individual , but actually feeling that this identity had a social location , a political and moral location , because it involved a whole series of things which meant you were n't just a voice crying in the wilderness .
5 I had to keep reminding myself that the plans we 'd had were n't just a dream and that he had loved me .
6 What 'appened there on the first of June last year were n't just a tragedy , oh no .
7 Smiles came from within , they were n't just a facial movement , and she stared at him assessingly as she wondered how she could have been such a fool .
8 It is n't just a trick .
9 Hemming around the former 's minimal asymmetric couture with yards of decorative musing on fashion and identity , Wenders concludes that Yamamoto is n't just a designer but an author in cloth .
10 So it is n't just a feminine response to the problem .
11 And this is n't just a way of talking — the meme for , say , ‘ belief in life after death ’ is actually realized physically , millions of times over , as a structure in the nervous systems of individual men the world over . ’
12 And it is n't just a case of falling ill .
13 Incontinence is a difficult problem because it is n't just a problem with physical symptoms .
14 A breastsummer is n't just a piece of wood stuck over a gap , it 's a piece of wood that holds the walls together , and the rest of the building up .
15 It is n't just a matter of minor errors , such as including lines that have been torn up , or ending main lines in the middle of peat bogs .
16 The difference between the two types is their chemical make-up and whilst I do n't want to go into lengthy explanations about the proportions of carbon and hydrogen atoms that determine the types of fatty acid it is important to realize that fat is n't just a single compound but comes in many forms .
17 Most people who are keen on hollies soon find out that both male and female trees can be extremely attractive because of their foliage , which is often variegated and much sought after for its own sake , so buying a male is n't just a utilitarian exercise .
18 This is n't just a ‘ one-off ’ problem , either , because you are specifically told that the Polytechnic has decided to enter the conference market .
19 Of course , it is n't just a question of using more spices , but of knowing how to blend them .
20 Like Walker , Gould is adamant that his team 's form is n't just a flash in the pan .
21 As you can see , it is n't just a case of opening a wicker basket and saying ‘ shoo , like releasing racing pigeons : you have to find the owls a home .
22 I also give a guarantee that it is n't just a one off situation , meeting we all go away and forget about what we 've said I can assure you that wo n't happen minutes have been taken and and what 's been said this evening that will be conveyed to the management committee meeting the board meeting and I think we need to look very clearly at a very closely what 's been said and respond to what 's been said and I think that it 's been suggested also raised this evening about having a further meeting to report back and say erm this has been said this is our response .
23 A ‘ stringer ’ is n't just a freelance — it 's a correspondent based away from head office whose local contacts give him an on-the-spot usefulness which far surpasses that of a reporter sent out from head office . ’
24 Playing Cupid , I should have you know , is n't just a matter of flying around Arcadia and feeling your tiny winkle throb when the lovers finally kiss .
25 Nevertheless , sex is n't just a matter of the body and recent emphasis on the successes of Masters and Johnson type techniques , 8 may result in incautious application of their techniques by the unknowledgeable .
26 bottom of these reports why ca n't you make it into a a pu er er a a joint teacher pupil comment , it is n't just a , it is n't in the same form it 's just the same that the pupil writes that with guidance
27 This is n't just a fantastic situation ; it 's a fantastic variation of a fantastic situation .
28 It is n't just a selfish curiosity .
29 And yet sometimes I wonder if the wittiest , most resonant irony is n't just a well-brushed , well-educated coincidence .
30 Presumably the regret that Flaubert was n't more involved in life is n't just a philanthropic wish for him : if only old Gustave had had a wife and kiddies , he would n't have been so glum about the whole shooting-match ?
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