Example sentences of "be an [noun prp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're an Oxford graduate and a high flier .
2 For those not au fait with the aims of the Dick-Nixs , they 're an LA band whose purpose in life has been to see their namesake Tricky Dicky re-instated to his true position in life .
3 I am an Oxford graduate .
4 In 1990 SUGAR BULLET ( pictured opposite ) are an Edinburgh trio fighting for their place on the post-revolutionary dancefloor .
5 If you are an England player you have to behave in a certain way . ’
6 If you are an Amiga owner jealous of Ultima Underworld on the PC , check out this new fantasy role-playing outing which promises to be one of the most impressive yet on ST and Amiga .
7 ‘ CREEP ’ HAS been an NME office favourite for weeks .
8 Warner Brothers immediately set in motion its own research programme to explore the feasibility of the idea ; it would run for some months before anyone realised it had been an April Fool and abandoned their research .
9 Brian , 44 , said : ‘ I 've been an Elvis fan since 1954 and have all his records .
10 His grandfather and great grandfather had both been long serving District Masters and his father had been an Ulster Volunteer .
11 Her father , having been an Oxford don , doubtless had a library of some kind , and presumably this was not dispersed after his death .
12 He really should have been an Oxford don or something .
13 Coningsby has been an R.A.F. station since 1940 and is now the base for Phantom fighters .
14 In the war Mrs Lorimer had been an ARP warden ; in the peace she was a JP .
15 I could see she was an unfit woman , and although I was resolved not to tell anyone now of my qualifications , except that I had been an ARP worker , I did try to be as helpful to her as I could .
16 Had I been an IRA man , I could have pulled out my little Luger and shot him dead — a thought so unnerving that the next day I wrote to his private secretary to suggest improved security .
17 This rather contradicts his claim never to have been an IRA member .
18 The sort of person Moran was would have been an IRA person and belonged to the IRA at the foundation of the country and would have had a tricolour on his coffin .
19 Frank Arbuthnot had been an IRA paymaster for years .
20 So wet was his shirt that the stencilled words , now reading ‘ I 'm an Essex Man ’ , had no doubt transferred themselves to his chest .
21 ‘ I 'm an Essex boy through and through , ’ his insists .
22 I 'm an Oxford man , myself .
23 But if there is to be an Oxford mafia in Washington , it wo n't be the first time former University College students have made history .
24 Sentimentality says that there will always be an England Church , and though you personally do n't do anything about or believe in it , it 's nice that someone does .
25 Sharpe , with just one cap , looks ready to be an England wide-man again , making two for Brian McClair and the third for Cantona in the space of 16 minutes .
26 Both teams will be coached by Ulstermen , and also there will be an Ulster umpire , Tom Morrison .
27 She would have to be an H-M exec to get through the DeLorean 's brain , and unseal the system .
28 I also noticed that there is going to be an FFL programme on the telly starting 14th Jan .
29 Investment in these areas should be an RBG priority in the next few years .
30 He used to be an RAF parachute instructor at Brize Norton .
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