Example sentences of "be as [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I will be as soon as you get your fat self outta here . ’
2 Well ; that would be as soon as she could manage it .
3 Sources say that DEC and ICL plc will be the first to announce XPG4-branded operating systems — respectively OpenVMS and OpenVME — which may be as soon as the end of this month .
4 And when he wanted to get some when he 's old enough for money There must be as well as around some fifty now .
5 You think to yourself now what am I giving , what am I giving in the contribution box now as compared to one , two , three , four , five , years ago , it may be the same and it may be as much as you can afford , well if that 's so , then that 's grand is n't it ?
6 ‘ I shall go to my mother 's as soon as my discharge from the army comes through . ’
7 The male oriental fruit moth employs greater subterfuge by producing a scent similar to the female 's as soon as he arrives on the scene .
8 Joe had letters ready to post to Littlewood 's and the grain merchant 's as soon as his ship docked , and within days was called to Littlewood 's Pools for an interview .
9 Around us in the middle distance , which is as near or far as anywhere else seems to get , lie other havens of plaster and flora .
10 VISITORS to Belgium often sneer at the scruffy appearance of the country 's towns , farms and people , and pointedly note how much neater everything is as soon as you cross the border into Holland .
11 So I 'd suggest again that the sensible place to shout armed police is as soon as you enter because the fraction of a second between you getting from the hall to the bedroom is n't going to make any difference .
12 Your mother does n't remember where she 's been as soon as she 's , gets out of the minibus .
13 Sell on a strike they say , so no doubt the time to sell 3DO Co Inc 's shares are as soon as the first marketable interactive multimedia home entertainment centres to the company 's standard are announced : the shares , floated at $15 , rose to $20.125 on the first day of trading going to $24 on the second day .
14 Llamas and alpacas ( related to camel ) provide the Andeans with warm clothing that is need at such heights are as well as dung which is used as fuel and burnt .
15 These statements can be summarized as where is the demand for real money balances , and are as above and and are the coefficients describing the sensitivity of the demand for money to the level of income and the rate of interest respectively .
16 The other variables with i subscripts are as before but now refer to the ith country .
17 You know that Gillian 's father decamped with a nereid when his daughter was as yet but ten , or twelve , or fifteen or something — at what is falsely termed ‘ an impressionable age ’ , as if all ages were not so characterisable .
18 And that was as soon as she could escape from this bloody prison .
19 He knew how banal the question was as soon as he had asked it , but it did not affect Surere 's mood .
20 The key point to me was as soon as he said n as she said , No , he stopped .
21 And erm but the trouble was as soon as they saw us come , they were right behind us going like this with their horns , you know !
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