Example sentences of "be at [adj] [num] " in BNC.

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1 You 're at thirty eight already .
2 That 's why I say to you , you say oh we 've got this we 've got that we want that we want this but er I tell you two thousand nineteen and you 're at nineteen ninety two .
3 Right , so after twenty seconds they 're up to full speed , and flat out , erm they 're at forty five degrees .
4 The properties that we 're building will be available er , the initial lettings a and sales will be one hundred percent er , to council nominees subsequent lettings and nominations will be at seventy one percent which is the maximum level that we can agree under the housing corporation rules .
5 Well I reckoned up this morning we reckoned it 'll perhaps be at fifty two , but we were wrong were n't we ?
6 And the suggestion was that it should be at nine thirty , and not ten thirty .
7 Well we dredged it , alongside of Cliff Quay , that was twenty eight feet of water at low tide , that was that 's what they guarantee , apart from what they call and then two blasts off , two ships was laying that 'd be at twenty eight feet , then that would rise ten feet below what they call , cos all in metres now .
8 Okay erm I 've got , I just thought I 'd , might just let you know that the , the end result figure that , that , on the recruitment front , they reckon they 'll be at twenty three hundred by the end of the year .
9 Indeed , they had reckoned German strength in the area to be at most one corps although British Intelligence had estimated it at three and a half corps and even this , in the event , proved an underestimate .
10 When the equation is worked through , we discover that there should be at most 50,000 and at least 40 such civilizations .
11 Supper will be served at nineteen hundred hours and lights out will be at twenty-one hundred hours .
12 His spirits sank again at the prospect and although he went out to Ruislip where his former battalion now had its headquarters , and although he was received by Colonel Bumford , his spirits were at zero three days later when Charity spoke to him on the telephone .
13 The children loved the hectic activity of the day , and it was difficult to keep track of where the boys were at any one time .
14 The rules of the infirmary permitted the honorary medical staff ( and later the house-surgeon ) to take on such pupils , but how many there were at any one time and whether they were resident or not was seldom recorded .
15 It is impossible to say , even for the relatively well-documented western part of the Carolingian Empire , how many counts there were at any one time , let alone identify the personnel .
16 There were at most twenty-two Jacobite peers in the House of Lords , ten of whom were Scottish representative peers , who owed their places to the Union of 1707 ( under the terms of which , the Scottish peers as a whole elected sixteen of their number to sit in the upper chamber at Westminster ) .
17 The biggest challenge facing the city is to create a dynamic economy in the ex-socialist eastern districts , where unemployment is exploding , and where pay levels are at best 60 per cent of those in the west — sometimes little more than a third .
18 Although , as we shall see , a large proportion of divorced people remarry , there are at any one time a good number of single-person households or single-parent households created by divorce .
19 The formula for both these jocular comments is similar : in the midst of a conversation which has continued for at least two turns in London English , a speaker introduces a turn which ends in Creole ( typically such turns are at most one sentence long , and wholly in Creole ) .
20 It 's inedible , but who would want to bother anyway , since they are at most two inches high !
21 In addition to that you get depreciation of one thousand one hundred and forty four pound per year which , by my reckoning is ninety five pound a month in addition to that , as a Methodist Minister you get a standing charge of five hundred and twenty eight pound per year which is forty four pound pe er , per month and then you also through i in the year if you have a major repair needed on your car you get a hundred and eight pound now , if in fact , I had , I have a Vauxhall Nova , and let me take these figures as you are at twenty four P a mile , or twenty four point five P a mile and if that 's all we are recommended , recommending , in other words , there 's no lump sum at all er , that would mean that I would be getting forty nine pound but Methodist , this colleague in Llandudno if he did
22 Oh it could only of been at five thirty
23 I believe that I am right in saying that in the most recent 20 cases , there have been at most 22 counts .
24 The only fascination is listening to a song that should have been at most ten seconds long and hearing some fool trying to get ten minutes out of it .
25 They were in Tiffany 's at nine forty-five .
26 That 's at four thirty on .
27 ‘ They just want to tell us which parts of their bodies are out of the Levi 's at any one time . ’
28 That 's at seven thirty then .
29 Can you come to Helena 's at seven forty five pardon me and
30 erm it 's at forty eight
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