Example sentences of "be that they could " in BNC.

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1 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
2 It might be that they could only be reached through their elders .
3 The message to teachers seemed to be that they could be flexible in the prescribed way but not in their own .
4 I think it may be it may be that they could perhaps get more money if the local parties affiliated separately but
5 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
6 But they still hold substantial portfolios of international shares and the fear is that they could attempt to sell these , setting off a chain reaction in other financial markets .
7 amount of money that is that they could get .
8 However it may feel at times to them as individuals , and whatever compulsions they sense from relatives and friends to ‘ get through ’ their course , the fact is that they could withdraw without any legal penalty at least .
9 The sweetener for those who find themselves paying more is that they could qualify for transitional relief which which will cover the increase .
10 Mike Ward , the shelter 's manager , said birds covered in oil became waterlogged and were unable to fly , but the biggest danger was that they could be poisoned .
11 The main argument from the Corsican was that they could hold out for ever .
12 Perhaps what he really meant was that they could n't afford not to go to Nunes .
13 The problem of the poorest was that they could not afford such rents as would bring an adequate return for builders and property-owners , unless they were crammed at very high density in properly which received minimal repair .
14 The farm minister also went on to say that the fundamental flaw in the package was the attempt to halt the drift from the land by people whose main reason for leaving farming was that they could attain a higher standard of living elsewhere .
15 The German 's rates differed from girl to girl , and with some he had an arrangement that he received a commission rather than a rent per room ; the advantage here for the girls was that they could pay him at the end of the night , rather than each time they used the room And to ensure they did n't even think about cheating , he employed a " caretaker " whose job was to keep a tally of the girls and their customers .
16 The fiction was that they could be honestly and legitimately equalized at the same quota figure , even though Haughey had nearly three times as many first-preference votes as Brady , and even though almost half of the votes by which Brady reached the quota were votes of second or lower preference , culled by transfers from nine other candidates in nine counts .
17 Several other students were concerned about their inability to understand what was being taught in the lectures ; a commonly expressed view was that they could n't take notes and follow what was being said at the same time .
18 The result was that they could almost be read as things more real than the things they qualified , a pattern of eternal forms from another world , not part of the solid world of cabbages and pears — yellow and violet , blue and orange , red and green .
19 One of the concessions Bevan made to the consultants in 1946 was that they could keep their separate private pay-beds in NHS hospitals .
20 When he passed through an ivy-clad trellis arch and saw the man he sought , however , raking dead leaves and twigs into an incinerator , he realized how absurd the idea was that they could somehow be twin actors of the same part who had never met on stage till this unscripted moment .
21 The reason was that they could not resolve ambiguity between competing lexical interpretations on a word-by-word basis , and so had to maintain possible interpretations in a representation that was separate from the lexicon .
22 The best she could hope for now was that they could form some sort of working relationship , even though every minute they spent together would be for her sweet agony .
23 Certainly not , and I think that that 's one of the things that causes people to be to switch off when you mention computers and think ‘ oh , I ca n't understand that ’ because their experience at school perhaps was that they could n't understand mathematics anyway .
24 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
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