Example sentences of "be that it 's " in BNC.

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1 The main advantages of a shower are that it 's more hygienic and uses less water than a bath — typically , 70 to 80 per cent less , 30 to 40 per cent less for a power shower .
2 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
3 Today all the indications are that it 's far above that level . ’
4 One of the difficulties that results from these cuts and that tax has been that there had been so numerous that it ca n't keep count of how many times they 'd changed the goal posts , how many times they imposed cuts , but you know a lot of the government 's ideas are that it 's money , money , money , but it 's not all financial , it 's been physical and mental .
5 And are you confident when you give a weather forecast that the chances are that it 's going to be correct , or do you do it with a slight feeling of uneasiness ?
6 The second step is that really frankly the history of all great civil rights and human rights movements has sadly been that it 's often only through challenging the law , indeed even breaking the law , that injustices are put right .
7 I would agree with you that if the if we have gone along and said to people , well er yo , we 've got alternative accommodation for you and they have n't wanted to go then , well I 'm sure that we hope not to give them that er er , alternative accommodation er , and it 's not in our interest at all to er , keep er , places empty , and further more we have n't really got er enough er , alternative places to put er , these er tenants in so I 'm that it 's as the result of the sort of dwellings that er we 've er we now find ourselves with as a result of the er initial buildings in the first place .
8 The sentimental message seems to be that it 's never too late to open up , confess and say sorry ( even if you 're dead ) , and once you do everything is OK , everybody gets a second chance in the new kinder , gentler America , tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life etc .
9 NCD 's share shows no sign of slipping , says Greg Blatnik of the X Business Group , even though the system vendors are all likely to increase their share — one reason might be that it 's more important for NCD systems to work with a variety of hosts — Peter Wellings of NCD 's UK distributor Xanadu claims that DEC , for instance , has had its X-terminal success mostly confined to existing DEC installations .
10 Well my first reason would be that it 's fun but if you want a justification then all I can say is that it is still useful to be able to produce your own programs that do exactly what you want .
11 structure , it may well be that it 's a structure structure is the other way round in which case
12 It may be that it 's time to look again , even though this new rule has been enforced for only these elections , at this particular method of positive discrimination .
13 It appears to be that it 's off the rails
14 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
15 Er it could be that it 's just a contact Hello .
16 It also seems to be that it 's different in different cultures .
17 If you get a correlation between two variables it may be because one causes the other , or directly influences it , or it may be that it 's just cha it 's just a chance fluctuation and the two have occurred together , or it may be a combination of the two .
18 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
19 Cos it might be that it 's more productive .
20 The supposition being that it 's always easier for the offspring just to sit on the nest and wait for the parent .
21 told me that it 's that it 's Sacred Heart .
22 And course we 're doing a lot of counting today this wrist is a you know I do n't mind that you see what did that wrist was that elbow I had to have a second operation on it , in the arm up here because er I had to have some bone taken away in the elbow course it stretched guiders but they also erm disturbed the wrist joint because it was in plaster like that stretched round and disturbed the wrist joint and I ke it 's it weakened it and it 's only just it 's only just this what last nine months that it 's that it 's really started to effect this but I know what it is that 's because I keep going out doing the odd jobs
23 A brick , it 's that it 's wood , it 's wood wood , would like to sort of feel it ?
24 No , but she has got like , it 's that it 's dark ginger .
25 because the obviously danger 's that it 's snapping the dowels and it 's which , it what happened on , on the case of the two dowels in n it ?
26 In some early drafts Raskolnikov commits suicide , and the striking thing here is that it 's never suggested he does so out of remorse or because he thinks he 's going to get caught or even from some vaguer , larger self-loathing .
27 One thing he has discovered since his global circumnavigation , is that it 's a big conversation killer .
28 The trouble about starting a very small business is that it 's difficult to do things of any great originality , because you do n't have the buying power or maybe the manufacturing base to really get the thing off the ground .
29 My attitude to ageing is that it 's inevitable so there 's very little you can do about it .
30 ‘ There are several versions of what 's going on , but one is that it 's an attempt to overthrow the government ’ of President Ramsewak Shankar , he added .
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