Example sentences of "be that [pron] must " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember just how similar the physical features are that one must respond to in facial speech and facial expression judgements .
2 Key features of these new qualifications are that they must :
3 ‘ And the TCCB 's directive for pitches has for several years now been that they must start dry . ’
4 If the immediate international situation is used as an excuse to get us to drop our opposition to the rearmament programme of the Government , the next phase must be that we must desist from any industrial or political action that may disturb national unity in face of fascist aggression .
5 It may be that we must wait until all has been answered before hoping for enlightenment .
6 And the reason I would come up with would be that it must make you feel stonkingly great .
7 The general attitude seems to be that it must have been a madman and the Church does n't have to deal with madmen .
8 Judge Malachy Higgins , releasing Donnelly on continuing bail pending a trial date being fixed , told the accused that part of the bail conditions were that he must not attempt to see Janice Brothers , or speak to her or make any contact with her .
9 The Apache lacked the grace of Cessna 's more powerful model 310 but its design aims were that it must be undemanding to fly , cheap to buy and inexpensive to operate .
10 The desiderata for a good background at this point were that it must be perceived by the measuring instrument as significantly darker than the subject , it must be cheap and readily available , and it must be easy to mould it to the growth boxes , fix it to the wall , etc .
11 I was trying to suggest that instead of actually definitely writing novels with a very straightforward moral theme , the theme of the novel being that you must do this or terrible things will happen , instead of doing that erm she is anxious to write novels which show you moral possibilities , that somebody or other may actually get into difficulty because they fail to understand something about somebody else and I think that these novels are intended to tell people more about themselves that erm they might otherwise realize .
12 So it is that we must also support voluntary action and volunteering as essential in a healthy democracy in a civilised society .
13 One is that we must admit verbal reports of inner experiences of human beings as valid evidence for studies of consciousness .
14 What the results do indicate is that we must be prepared to consider radically new views of reality without placing locality in a central position .
15 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
16 ‘ What this means for Liberal Democrats is that we must be much less exclusive in our approach to politics and much more inclusive to others in this one .
17 A very last thought is that we must do everything possible to answer our own prayers .
18 What is relevant is that we must overwhelm our opponent quickly and effectively .
19 The second important point is that we must not treat the institutional population as a single group .
20 The only thing we would say is that we must have a clear vision of our formal and stylistic intentions before we begin .
21 The problem with this method is that we must generate the species of interest continuously — often by mixing two gases or solutions — in a way that can be matched to the timescale of the measurement .
22 The recession that we 've gone through in materials and elsewhere in the economy has taught us , or should have taught us I believe , a very clear lesson and that is that we must end the situation that 's in the building materials industry where our members rely for a reasonable standard of living on bonus earnings the problem being of course that as soon as the recession starts to bite , then the bonus pay becomes very vulnerable to attack and reduction by the employers .
23 One consequence of this is that we must adjust our account of the referential locus .
24 Right , so that 's all we want to look at with regards learning styles I think the key thing to remember is that we must n't fall into the trap , because it 's our learning style if we actually put together our training which reflects our style .
25 Part of our case for the Radio News Network is that we must do better about telling our country about itself , not just in terms of law or education but also in terms of science , technology , medicine , the environment and an area where I personally have a great commitment — and that is coverage of business and our economy on which all our futures depend .
26 This has never had it so this as far as I 'm concerned really , the only thing that is needs to be made clear , is that we must accept of principle that 's all we need to reason .
27 What I think we 're saying on this side of the house , I do n't know if we 're saying it loud enough or it 's going to have effect , is that we must reduce the number of rules and regulations , you do n't actually need the body which the honourable member 's talking about .
28 The unstated part of the equation is that they must be tough on the Vietnamese boat people because they are poised to be tough on Hong Kong 's own claims to British passports .
29 It is not just that things could be other than they are — it is that they must be .
30 The second lesson is that they must be thorough . ’
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