Example sentences of "be of [noun] [letter] " in BNC.

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1 To first order in we obtain with the help of eqn ( 7.3 ) excluding the products in Γ because they are of order h 2 .
2 Epsilon ( 3.5 ) and Gamma ( 3.6 ) are of type K , and off-white in binoculars .
3 For example , the equation through the verb to be of groups D and E associates the animate with the inanimate , the natural with the man-made .
4 Established villages are likely to be of type A , that is , closed and integrated ; transitional villages will probably be of types C or D , that is , closed or open but disintegrated , while the re-established village is likely to be of type B , which is open and integrated .
5 Established villages are likely to be of type A , that is , closed and integrated ; transitional villages will probably be of types C or D , that is , closed or open but disintegrated , while the re-established village is likely to be of type B , which is open and integrated .
6 The pulsation period will be of order I " , but clearly parameter dependent .
7 A B-tree is said to be of order m when every node has at least m/2 children , and at most m children , except the root and the leaf nodes .
8 Balanced tree indexing Indexes are said to be of order e when there are e records per index entry , and of height h , where there are h levels of the index .
9 Established villages are likely to be of type A , that is , closed and integrated ; transitional villages will probably be of types C or D , that is , closed or open but disintegrated , while the re-established village is likely to be of type B , which is open and integrated .
10 In the 1984–88 series , 38% of carcinomas were of type I ( diffuse ) , 55.7% type II ( intestinal ) , and 6.3% mixed .
11 Let unc Here we have chosen B as the lower triangular portion of A , and C is of course B — A. We are given that unc To four places of decimals we now find unc and to this order of accuracy , unc is null .
12 If A ( which is necessarily square ) is of order n , then clearly the characteristic equation may be written unc The n roots of this equation , say unc are called eigenvalues .
13 Let A be partitioned in the form unc Here A is of order n , B of order m , E of order n — m ; C and D are in general rectangular .
14 It is difficult to quantify " work " exactly , but if the number of individual multiplications is taken as a guide , then , if A is of order n , each of the n2 elements of unc involves n multiplications : i.e. n3 in all .
15 The canonical form of A is thus unc where I is of order r .
16 It is easy to find , because it is usually visible with the naked eye at about magnitude 5 , and is in the same binocular field with Beta ; to either side of it are Tau ( 5.1 ) and Sigma ( 4.9 ) , which act as good comparisons , though Tau is of type K and has been suspected of slight variability .
17 Diphda is of type K , and is obviously orange ; it has been suspected of variability , but is awkward to estimate , because there are no suitable comparison stars anywhere near it .
18 Delta is of type K , and with × 7 or higher magnification is very clearly orange ; it is in the same field as Pi ( 4.4 ) which is a red star of class M. Epsilon ( 3.7 ) is one of the very closest stars , at 10.7 light-years .
19 It is of type D , and can be shown to be part of the Taub-NUT solution in the Taub region where there are two space-like Killing vectors .
20 The Pole Star is of type F , though I doubt whether anyone will detect yellowness in it ( I certainly can not ) .
21 Using × 7 , Rho is in the same field as Sigma ( 4.5 ) which is of type F , but in which I can see no colour at all .
22 One star which shows obvious colour is W Boo¨tis , which is of type M and is slightly variable with a range of from 5.0 to 6.4 .
23 The main component is of type M , and is one of the largest stars known .
24 The only object of any binocular interest is the long-period variable R Horologii , which may reach magnitude 4.7 at maximum although it drops to below 14 at minimum ; the period is 403 days , and the spectrum is of type M , so that the star is very red .
25 Alpha is not hard to find , because it is decidedly isolated and forms an equilateral triangle with Regulus and Pollux ; it is of type M , and very red as seen with any binoculars .
26 The brighter of the two ( 4.5 ) is of type M , and its obvious redness makes a good contrast with its companion ( 5.5 ) , which is white .
27 L2 Puppis is a semi-regular variable with a range of from 3.4 to 6.2 , so that it is almost always visible with the naked eye and is well within binocular range even at minimum ; it is of type M , and clearly orange .
28 If the source direction makes an angle θ with the baseline , which is of length d , then the path difference to the two dishes is d cos θ and the phase lag between their signals is at a wavelength λ , and in terms of frequency v this becomes .
29 This last is otherwise obvious ; A has only p columns , so that AB , of order ( n × n ) , has at most p linearly independent columns ; i.e. it is of rank p at most , and so must have at least n — p zero eigenvalues .
30 We first note that if A is of rank r , then so are
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