Example sentences of "be the [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 She 's been the lav that 'll be doing for now .
2 High costs , low wages and merciless poverty are the price that Third World people pay .
3 What are the difference that the last five , ten years ?
4 From the premises a > b and b> c , it does not simply happen to be the case that a> c .
5 Clearly it can not be the case that and that if 4 is non-zero , and so condition ( iii ) above can not hold in both environments .
6 It always used to be the case that one never did chemistry until the secondary school level .
7 Well that may be the answer That may be the answer .
8 whether the girl standing on the opposite side of Highgate Hill ( or Highgate West Hill ) with the long dark hair blowing forwards over her shoulder will turn so that he can see her face ; and if so , whether the face will be the revelation that the long dark hair promises ; and what a face would have to be like to be the revelation that one always expects …
9 A permanent legacy of his theory of time is the idea that time and the universe are inseparable .
10 And three words per second is the way that television presenters make er , their scripts for presenting to the public in a news bulletin .
11 As you know as as teachers this is the way that information .
12 Erm what is the way that God judges ?
13 Development in the open countryside would not normally be permitted is the way that the the draft policy 's guidance .
14 What I want you to look for in the next little passage that we look at is the way that the Sanhedrin present their case to Pontius Pilate .
15 Erm , and that is the way that
16 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
17 Now I believe that in the case of some of our small primary schools , and you have to build into the formula an element of subsidy , it is the size that subsidy which is open to debate .
18 It is the ASB that now issues accounting standards .
19 Well , the unit that we use there is the light year , which is the distance that light can travel in one year , and the nearest stars are about a light year away .
20 Because it is the convention that second reading is concerned only with general principle of the bill , textual amendments are not allowed to be proposed at this stage .
21 We 've got alpha , beta , gamma and gamma radiation is the stuff that stuff Really takes some stopping .
22 After melody , harmony is the element that most immediately lulls or fails to allure the listener .
23 That is the question that the Opposition need to answer .
24 Oh this is the jacket that mum said .
25 This last alloy is the cheapest and is the material that most vexes suppliers .
26 Sir the mistake which underlies that part of Mr 's submission is a very common one , and it is the assumption that greenbelt is , as it were , the residual category to prevent development which one might , for non-greenbelt reasons , not wish to see .
27 The police SSA is £32.3 million and that is the amount that the county budgets to spend on them .
28 Could I ask you very quickly on that note , do you think the answer is to try and set up a voting mechanism amongst the deferred pensioners , or is the answer that one should actually appoint a professional independent trustee , specifically with the duties of looking after the deferred pensioners in the debates that you have identified often take place ?
29 ‘ It is the Empire that never Ended , ’ Chopra said .
30 It is the South-east that needs new settlements , if we are not to end up with a town-and-country muesli of interest to no one .
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