Example sentences of "of [pron] i [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Homoeopathy is not the only practice that uses the concepts presented here and no one of repute , of whom I am aware , would claim that Homoeopathy has all the answers or that it will suit everyone .
2 This is a tough remit but then the student trainers we selected are tough — a battle hardened crew from the cultural interface , who are either full-time interpreters or language teachers — and of whom I am inordinately proud .
3 I hope you see something of SUSIE , of whom I am truly very fond .
4 I had six or seven close friends , most of whom I 'm still in touch with .
5 Well , this morning it 's our great pleasure to welcome three visitors to the session , one of whom I 'm not entirely sure is welcome because I understand that in fact he 's in some way a slight opposition in that he runs his own training course .
6 Er because I do n't have a group of accountants in front of me I 'm not going to go on about debits and credits and so on and so forth .
7 I 've done over fifty of them I 'm still standing up just about .
8 Most of them I 'm going shut up in !
9 This in front of someone I am trying to impress with my good health , my vivacious vitality , my lack of need to be there .
10 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
11 It now appears that , in addition to this , I will be expected to part with a further portion of my income as a graduate tax to pay for my education , the last three years of which I am spending in hospitals , not only studying , but assisting on a voluntary basis with essential clinical procedures and tests .
12 The Harry Vardon Trust — of which I am a trustee — was founded in 1988 on the occasion of the visit of Jack Nicklaus and Hale Irwin , who played an exhibition match at the Royal Jersey against Tony Horton and Brian Barnes .
13 Among the perennial plants that perform a dual role to perfection is the goat 's beard , Aruncus dioicus , a 4ft-6ft tall perennial of which I am especially fond .
14 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
15 The letter suggests the payments were for MCC shares transferred to Liechtenstein trusts called stiftungs , and adds : ‘ It appears that companies of which I am joint administrator have substantial claims against the stiftungs and any other entities which benefited from these payments . ’
16 ( In this particular area of using dictionaries in catalogue systems , the only precedent of which I am aware is of a university paying something in the region of $40–50,000 . )
17 Individualisation is common to all the reputable therapies of which I am aware and that includes the choice of therapy itself .
18 But I can not see what I would do with a home computer , one of which I am continually being urged to buy by manufacturers and retailers and by drops in prices of the things that are as near as a toucher opening up my cheque book .
19 Welcome to the Heron Club , of which I am an unwilling member .
20 As long as I was forced to stay awake I shrank from any stimulus to sensation ; now I relax and welcome the fading sensations until they are extinct , and for a few minutes will notice impressions of which I am normally unaware , such as the twilight images on the edge of consciousness .
21 The ch'i however varies in density from person to person , and the line that I should follow may be hard to discern through the turbid obscuring ch'i of which I am composed .
22 ‘ For I am weary ’ , he wrote , ‘ with rowing up and down in the seas of questions , which the interests of Christendom have commenced , and in many propositions of which I am not certain that I am not deceived . ’
23 I certainly do not wish to be an apologist for the whole of any sector ; nor will I accept that every establishment within it , including the one of which I am the director , is flawed fundamentally simply by existing .
24 A mundane pilgrimage , maybe , but the only kind of which I am capable , and one which satisfies those ‘ two thirsts that can not long be neglected if all our being is not to dry up : I mean loving and admiring ’ .
25 And what happens in actual human situations which are what get me , and I 'm going to give you three and I guarantee their genuineness you will doubt them all I have not the least fear but I guarantee you their genuineness , they come from the records of Age Concern Scotland of which I am the president .
26 ‘ Being very lazy by nature , I enjoy making the first sketches , but the practical precision , the mathematical measuring necessary to carry out the design and the extreme neatness required , both of which I am very bad at , I find irksome .
27 when , when the does , when the Twiggys came in and and the , the the angular woman er , of which I am not I wonder if that was the male view or what is the wo , the view that women have of themselves ?
28 At the time I was out detecting with the Weston Historical Research and Detecting Association , of which I am a member .
29 He told them how Howard 's words had shaken him , and said , ‘ There were things we did with the Security Forces in the forests of which I am not at all proud .
30 Chadwick received the Nobel prize for his discovery , and was elected Master of Gonville and Caius College , Cambridge ( the college of which I am now a fellow ) .
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