Example sentences of "of [pron] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Your novel found many readers of whom you never knew .
2 one of them you already have , you 've er given me some good information for this fact find , you 've helped me fill it in
3 When you get one of them you just jump around .
4 but as she said you if you make twenty arrangements and you sell half of them you just about break even with the flowers you 've bought to do them .
5 Even the dust and horse-smell seemed to be still with him and he reminded you of Lamarr Dean and Early and almost everyone of them you ever saw : all made of the same leather and hardly ever smiling unless they were with their own look-alike brothers .
6 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
7 Surprising though it may seem , fieldwork in a cultural context of which you already have intimate first-hand experience seems to be much more difficult than fieldwork which is approached from the naive viewpoint of a total stranger .
8 A charcuterie in Aurillac or Vic-sur-Cère or some other small but locally important town will possibly provide a pâté the like of which you never tasted before , or a locally cured ham , a few slices of which you will buy and carry away with a salad , a kilo of peaches , a bottle of Monbazillac and a baton of bread , and somewhere on a hillside amid the mile upon mile of golden broom or close to a splashing waterfall you will have , just for once , the ideal picnic .
9 In terms of which you better if we could do that erm , if we could do that .
10 A rubber stamp of these headings , which you can impress on the last sheet of your notes on title and each of which you then tick or mark appropriately , saves undue strain on your memory .
11 Or refusing to let go of something you no longer need ? )
12 ‘ Whole ass in view apart from that scrap of cloth there ; bare back , so you know she 's got a bare front , but all you get 's just a promise of something you never see .
13 To get rid of it you usually need to remove the radiator ( see below ) so you can flush out the sludge .
14 To get rid of it you usually need to remove the radiator so you can flush it out .
15 You 've got to put the clef at the beginning of it you really ought to .
16 Come to think of it you never did any of that when you were batting .
17 Erm so I think in the m er in the lit in the middle of it you actually lost some of it , erm and then you came back to the , to the referrals erm tt so that was that .
18 Make a list of what you secretly think makes you ‘ better than ’ other people , or ‘ special ’ in any way .
19 If they have to turn to their neighbour and ask for a repetition of what you just said , the resulting muttering will also prevent other members of the audience from hearing what you say next .
20 Now you 've got to keep on top of what you already know .
21 Initially , however , finding an appropriate register is likely to involve accentuating aspects of what you already see as " your own voice " , perhaps combined with some degree of imitation of one or more voices you like .
22 However thick the dust on your bookshelves may be you will either be reassured that you still remember a great deal of what you originally learnt from your training and former jobs , or you will be seized by momentary panic at how much you have forgotten .
23 I loved you , Luke , somewhere back there , God knows how it happened — or why , because we were always fighting , and when we were n't , in those wonderful , brief moments , I was still constantly aware of what you really thought of me …
24 At the same time remind a seller or buyer of anything you still need ( eg last receipts , or particulars of a seller 's building society whose loan is to be repaid and who can give you particulars of your client 's title ) .
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