Example sentences of "of [pron] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pain was experienced by 67 per cent of all patients , most of whom experienced more at night , suggesting that a number of apparently ‘ venous ’ ulcers may have a concurrent ischaemic component .
2 Meanwhile students , some of whom carried on regardless , are also demanding more facilities and debt counsellors as part of a ten point crisis campaign .
3 Archbishop Fisher and Archbishop Garbett of York started to look around for scholarly clergymen and hovered over various names , ail of whom taught then or had taught in universities .
4 Domestic opposition to this policy was limited , due largely to reports of the mistreatment of Egyptian workers in Iraq , 500,000 of whom returned home .
5 On the day appointed , the aircraft took off with the first stick , all of whom landed successfully .
6 These included weekly meetings ( formal and semi-formal ) with Health Centre staff , some of whom wore more than one hat and could therefore speak from different perspectives ; regular visits to lunch clubs , where lunch was shared with attenders ; visits to old people 's homes .
7 It was a top class turn-out of local business leaders , none of whom seemed particularly keen on the idea of a minimum wage .
8 So for the potential crime of the bad men , all of whom seemed perfectly pleasant , sentence was passed on Melinda , who was duly imprisoned in the hold .
9 The classic French dishes were cooked to perfection by the Arab cook and served gracefully by Arab boys in white uniforms , the eldest of whom seemed about fifteen years old .
10 The seventeenth-century hall and its grounds were awash with budding pirates and their parents enjoying traditional seaside activities , all of whom took home the message that the coastline needs protecting through Enterprise Neptune .
11 Orwell felt that the bulk of British public opinion was behind Chamberlain 's foreign policy of ‘ non-intervention ’ , dissension being voiced by only a few thousand left-wingers , some of whom went on to fight in Spain .
12 He also took a few new recruits , notably three young lieutenants , Harry Poat , Tony Marsh and Johnny Wiseman , all three of whom went on to make their mark on the regiment .
13 Around him clustered lively and innovatory young administrators , many of whom went on to be Directors of Education themselves — including Alan Chorlton , who spoke to me on the stairs after being totally silent throughout my Banbury interview .
14 In the course of ten years , some fifty students were trained , about half of whom went on to ordination and a few of the others were ordained after my time .
15 Some 580 claimants , many of whom came forward after the critical BBC Panorama television programme on triazolam in October , 1991 , can expect to receive limited legal aid to allow for investigation of their claims .
16 It was not a well-attended affair — perhaps fifteen people , mainly old women , at the church , few of whom came on to the cemetery .
17 Hence John Taylor 's unlucky candidature in Cheltenham , with all its resultant difficulties , and the arrival on the stump of several Asians , many of whom sounded more Sandhurst than Sandhurst itself .
18 Two recent cases of young Arabs dying while in police custody ( one of whom fell out of a window while being interrogated ) have added to this impression .
19 This failed to meet the demand for the forcible removal of the barricades , as advanced by the 7,000 white residents of the Chateauguay suburb adjacent to the Mercier bridge ( some of whom had regularly assembled during the siege to burn Mohawk effigies , and had participated in attacks on Indians fleeing the adjoining Kahnawake reservation ) .
20 The second was on the employed ( many of whom had either personal experience of unemployment or had close family or friends who were unemployed ) .
21 The 200-strong rebel army which had in December 1989 infiltrated from neighbouring Côte d'Ivoire was now thought to number some 5,000 men and boys , a small proportion of whom had reportedly received training in Libya and Burkina .
22 Iraqi opposition groups , some of whom had reportedly been consulted on the scheme during talks with senior US officials in late July and early August , were broadly supportive of Western plans .
23 This meant actually producing and maintaining a series of questions directed at the CEGB 's expert witnesses , most of whom had clearly spent many hours going through every conceivable pitfall .
24 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
25 The teaching team , many of whom had not been involved in community interpreting before , rose to the challenge and fought , argued and demanded and came back for more .
26 As competitors and spectators sat in the sunshine on the Royal Canoe Club 's lawn at the finish , slowly unwinding and chatting to friends , some of whom had not been seen for quite some time , the atmosphere was a mixture of international competition and relaxed gentility .
27 HAVING had a summer of fair-weather golf , competitors in the British Women 's Stroke-Play Championship at Southerness , many of whom had not had to don a sweater in months , were faced with the foulest of conditions over the first two days .
28 There were 229 new referrals from general practice , most of whom had previously received one or more courses of antibiotic treatment ; 155 existing patients who showed little or no clinical improvement after at least three months ' antibiotic treatment ; and 84 patients sampled for other reasons ( mainly anxiety and screening after treatment with isotretinoin ) .
29 At national level , Adamu M. Fika and Stephen B Agodo , both of whom had previously held senior posts in the Cabinet office , were named as the administrative secretaries ; a further 44 secretaries were appointed at state level .
30 Some reports suggested that the invasion was supported by large numbers of the estimated 400,000 Palestinian workers in Kuwait , all of whom had previously been denied Kuwaiti citizenship despite constituting the backbone of the country 's middle-management structure .
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