Example sentences of "of [pron] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ZZAP ! to date has taken the mickey out of everyone without being prejudiced against anyone or anything .
2 It is foolish of me to be concerned .
3 ‘ I am here to plead my case with my father 's creditors and to sell the family jewels , I suppose it is selfish of me to be concerned with such trifles when you have such pressing concerns like where you shall live , in the London home or at Summer Lodge . ’
4 You wo n't be staying here for very much longer , and I do n't want your last memory of me to be the way I was yesterday . ’
5 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
6 The leading one was that there were sufficient other able-bodied persons in the household to enable one of them to be freed for Soviet work .
7 All of the grooms , except one who was asleep on some hay bales , had chosen not to sit in the car with their charges , and I imagined it was because of Leslie Brown 's daunting presence : racing lads on the whole felt a companionable devotion to their horses , and I would have expected more of them to be sitting on the hay bales during the day .
8 There was row upon row of rooms and carpeted corridors , revealed by their tensely-held torches , the ghostly yellow pools of light allowing only the objects that slid in and out of them to be examined .
9 Well aware that most workers were indifferent to foreign affairs , he fully expected the majority of them to be swept into fratricide by patriotic propaganda if war actually came .
10 The King , who had not forgotten the sermons of Andrewes , told Parliament that ‘ Princes are not bound to give account of their actions but to God alone ’ and that ‘ Parliaments are altogether in my power for their calling , sitting and dissolution ; as I find the fruits of them to be good or evil they are to continue or not to be . ’
11 Possibly the earliest mention of what are probably Anglo-Saxon graves is that by the thirteenth-century chronicler Roger of Wendover in his Flores Historiarum where he describes the excavation by monks of St Albans in 1178 of ten human skeletons at Redbourne , Hertfordshire , believing some of them to be the bones of St Amphibalus ( Hewlett 1886 , 115 ) .
12 Amnesty International considers all of them to be prisoners of conscience and has repeatedly called on successive Greek Governments to release them and introduce alternative civilian service of non-punitive length .
13 The US citizen 's historic right to bear arms , for example , is thought by most of them to be both outdated and counter-productive , yet it was taken by the founding fathers to be ‘ self-evident ’ , inherently the due of human beings .
14 The first of them to be approved for use in Canada offers a cure rate of over 90% .
15 The University accepts no liability for loss arising from the failure of electricity , heating systems , water supplies , fire , flooding or for any other cause beyond its reasonable control which may cause the University 's premises or part of them to be temporarily closed or the booking to be interrupted , interfered with or cancelled .
16 The handful of extracts , words of kitchen advice , recipes , menus , and descriptive passages I have chosen to quote are none of them to be found in The Best of Boulestin , the American-selected anthology published in England by Heinemann in 1952 and still available at 21s .
17 The number of funded vacancies may be insufficient for all of them to be offered full-time posts .
18 The travels of Sir Charles Grandison are censured by his Harriet with the remark that the sight of ruins on the Tour , which most gentlemen ( including himself ) then made of Europe , is actually less instructive than the knowledge of them to be gained from books .
19 From experience , and depending on the species selected , it has been found that with these numbers of large cichlids all present in the same tank , there is not the space for any of them to be able to establish a permanent territory and fight off all invaders .
20 ‘ The result is : ( 1 ) That this Act does not necessarily require anything to be done under it which might not be done without causing a nuisance ; ( 2 ) That as to those things which may or may not be under it , there is no evidence on the face of the Act that the legislature supposed it to be impossible for any of them to be done ( if they were done at all ) somewhere and under some circumstances , without creating a nuisance ; and ( 3 ) That the legislature has manifested no intention that any of these optional powers , as to asylums , should be exercised at the expense of , or so as to interfere with , any man 's private rights .
21 There are several of those ancient fortified lake dwellings , which we call crannogs , most of them to be found in the northern half of the island , some of them in lochs well up into the hills .
22 These , so MacDonald and Snowden told their colleagues , must amount to £25–30 millions , the bulk of them to be found out of unemployment charges … only reductions in unemployment payments would satisfy the opposition and resolve the crisis ; yet this would at the same time betray the hopes of the party 's supporters and probably split the party itself …
23 There was no real need for both of them to be here .
24 A logical consideration of the alternatives quickly enables most of them to be eliminated .
25 This , however , was seen by some of them to be an unreliable criterion .
26 The conflict which characterizes our everyday feelings usually causes part of them to be inhibited or suppressed ; in contrast poetry and the other arts ‘ spring from and perpetuate hours in the lives of exceptional people , when their control and command of experience is at its highest ’ ( Richards 1967 : 22 ) .
27 Anagnostopoulos announced on July 1 that a speedy investigation into the allegations had been completed and had found most of them to be completely unfounded .
28 The London amendment adds another 11 chemicals to the list ; most of them to be banned outright by the year 2000 [ see ED 35/36 ] .
29 For the first fifty seven of them to be set up , at a cost of half a million pounds , did a survey and found that only twelve of the fifty seven were financially viable and that did n't include the Trust .
30 Each day in the Thames Valley police area more than sixty cars are stolen , many of them to be driven at high speed by teenagers , the so-called joy riders .
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