Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Mahmoud detested everything that Nuri stood for : the old , near-feudal Egypt , with its hereditary great landlords , of whom Nuri was one ; court-based politics , in which Nuri was adept ; the power of the old order to block and frustrate all attempts at reform .
2 Despite a turnover of plants in the 1960s and early 1970s , employment was maintained until the mid-1970s when a CDP study estimated it at about 4800 of whom 50% were women .
3 It was ironic that John Cornford should be named Rupert in memory of the poet Rupert Brooke [ q.v. ] , who had died in April 1915 , for Cornford came to despise the school of Georgian poets , of whom Brooke was the supreme exemplar and his mother a loyal adherent .
4 Convicted prisoners are outnumbered by the euphemistically named ‘ undertrials ’ — remanded prisoners for most of whom trial is months ( if not years ) away and many of whom , detained pending police investigations , have not yet been charged with an offence ( Diaz 1977 ) .
5 There was thirteen years difference between my elder sister and youngest brother — two girls and then three boys , of whom Basil was the eldest — and though this arrangement was not ideal when we came of an age to meet husbands among our brothers ' friends , it did mean that we all got along very well together and as sisters were not looked down upon by older and superior male beings as I often saw happen in other families .
6 It is n't necessary to tell you that the West Riding owes its position in the vanguard of educational thinking and practice to a few people , of whom Basil was one of the most distinguished , and the work he has done will still go on .
7 The persons in respect of whom Parliament was legislating
8 GENERAL MANUEL NORIEGA , the military ruler of Panama , is largely a creation of the Americans , but one of whom Washington is now anxious to be rid : hence the unvarnished disappointment there at the failure of the latest attempt to topple him .
9 This put heart into me , because in all the years that followed I came increasingly to believe that the genuine radicals were neither the ‘ philosophical radicals ’ ( much as I admired J. S. Mill , and have even found good in Bentham ) nor the Fabian radicals , the socialists or social democrats , but the kind of conservative radicals of whom Cobbett was perhaps the earliest example .
10 A major exception to the principle of proportionality relates to the sentencing of offenders for violent and sexual offences , in respect of whom courts are empowered to pass longer sentences than are ‘ commensurate ’ if they consider it necessary ‘ to protect the public from serious harm from the offender ’ ( section 2(2) ( b ) ) .
11 Thus , in the early 1980s , 86% of the non-white population aged under 16 were born in Britain compared with 14% born overseas ; this is the exact reverse of the figures for those over 16 , of whom 14% were born in Britain and 86% overseas ( OPCS , 1986 , p. 20 , Table 4 ) .
12 This has also been supported by observations in Japanese and Hawaiian men ( Chung et al , 1969 ) , and is consistent with the low rate of macrovascular disease found in Pima Indians ( Ingelfinger et al , 1976 ) and Bantu diabetics ( Shapiro et al , 1973 ) , in both of whom hypertriglyceridaemia is extremely common .
13 The kingdom is said to have been divided among three kings , Hun , Beonna and Aethelberht , of whom Aethelberht was still reigning in 794 ( ASC A , s.a. 792 ) ( which would give him a reign of forty-five years ) .
14 In 1988 a larger team moved to Tooting , at the invitation of the Shaftesbury Society , and in eighteen months grew to a group of 150 attending worship , of whom 70% are new converts .
15 59% of respondents were against this proposal , of whom 86% were sole practitioners .
16 Less has been heard from mothers for many of whom maintenance is their only chance of getting off benefit .
17 For the first half of this century it was associated with intellectuals , of whom Einstein was the epitome .
18 Many belong to the Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools ( IAPS ) , which has approximately 114,000 pupils , of whom 71% are boys .
19 of whom Mr is the most senior manager , at the time
20 Henrietta ( Hetty to her friends , of whom Liz was not one ) embarrassed her , she could never say why : she represented pain , failure , tedium , though not in her own person : somehow , magically , she managed to transfer these attributes to those with whom she conversed , while herself remaining poised and indeed complacent , secure of admiration .
21 I 'd been living away and when I first come back into the area a few of me friends was into it .
22 ‘ But I 'd like some of me mum 's better . ’
23 A lot of me mates are black geezers and some of them are a bit tasty ’ .
24 There were all sorts of jokes about National Service and this was going to be one of them — the barracks filled with misfits who no more wanted to wear a khaki uniform than they felt like taking poison ( which some of them thought was what they were given three times a day in the cookhouse ) .
25 All of them things are all right in peacetime — we like to have ceremonies and royal robes — but now it 's up to us ali — not Kings and Queens . ’
26 I was received as a thief , a well-mannered rapist , bucketless car-washer , double-glazing runner , not to mention corrupt informant that some of them tiles is loose , Ma 'm , and we just happen to be in the area with a long ladder so why not call it eighty quid ?
27 The only thing the rest of them lack is a policeman at the gate .
28 The first is that whether we have in mind the student taking on the demands of the rational life , or the individual discipline considered as a rational endeavour , or an institution of higher education : for each of them rationality is neither static nor a definite end-point .
29 Whilst most commentators are agreed that the Children Act 1989 is in the main a good Act , all of them , all of them Councillor are critical of the fact that the Government has not properly provided Local Authorities with sufficient resources to implement the Act .
30 Even his way of throwing his money about , what he has of it , is immediately distinguishable from Svidrigailov 's , while with both of them money is the very image of merely imputed and therefore reversible value in a loose-end world : ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like . ’
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