Example sentences of "of [noun] over a " in BNC.

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1 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
2 In addition to their port duties , Lerwick staff had to cover controls at Sumburgh Airport which was thirty miles south of Lerwick over a bumpy switchback road .
3 During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited ; Lombardy ( the traditional enemy of both Franks and papacy ) , parts of Spain , all of Saxony over a prolonged period of campaigning , and Slavonic regions of the Drave and Elbe .
4 If you mark your weight on a graph or chart this should provide a clear and rewarding sign of progress over a period of weeks and months .
5 Manufacturers selling a wide range of products over a wide geographical area to a market numbered in millions would find it prohibitively expensive to set up their own Highstreet stores , even if they were permitted to proliferate in this way .
6 He was plastering wet threads of hair over a balding pate , and there was a look of alarm in those magnified eyes .
7 While a cannon ball may plough through a line of troops and kill two or three victims , a mortar shell explodes with a tremendous bang , scattering mud , dirt , and bits of shell over a wide area .
8 Similarly , we can look at the iconography of coins over a shorter period .
9 Equally , it is not unknown for a partner gradually to lose interest in mundane administrative matters : often enough the problems that this can cause are exacerbated by his co-partners allowing him to escape his share of responsibility over a long period .
10 Each compartment can be used to hold a particular type of component over a limited range of values .
11 I have experience of this class of case over a period of more than fifty years and it has n't been uncommon in the past even in the days when judges took a more rigorous view than they cline er inclined to do nowadays not to punish er in any with a custodial
12 Chairman can I er suggest to these results of course over a period and I 'd like to see
13 However , in Strange ( SW ) Ltd v Mann [ 1965 ] 1 All ER 1069 Stamp J said that it was against public policy to allow an employer to exercise control by way of contract over an employee 's skill and knowledge .
14 After that going for gold involves participating in a wide range of activities over a period of at least 18 months .
15 A number of steps involving work on crystals , yeast cells , thymus cells and mouse cells , in relation to transmissions of patterns over a distance , led to amazing discoveries .
16 The contrasts sound even more spectacular if the changes are expressed in terms of experience over a lifetime .
17 What we 've done tonight , is spread that amount of money over a tremendous number of people tonight
18 First , the payment of this sum of money over a short period would have a considerable inflationary effect .
19 Firms with a sustained high level of exports over a longer period may provide further figures for consideration as a consistent exporter .
20 In 1923 the USA and Britain reached an agreement for repayment of debts over a 62-year period at 3.3% interest .
21 It may also be possible to argue that where the party has failed to respond to a notice of assignment from the purchaser , such lack of action over a long period is an implied consent where that party has dealt with the purchaser after completion .
22 This consists of a layer of gravel over a raised grid at the bottom of the tank .
23 The examination of all the images produced during a particular period or of a selection of images over a longer period will often provide a good idea of how the relevant state or regime wished to represent itself .
24 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
25 Harmonic schemes on a larger scale , spanning large movements or in successions of movements , also require planning , for some change of key over a large area is needed to create contrast and relief .
26 The giant ground sloths and armadillos of the past were clearly South American in character , showing that this continent had been populated by unique families of animals over a vast period of time .
27 This case , in effect , turns on whether the family proceedings court can keep the power of review over a care order by making directions in relation to the care order .
28 They have an album of photos showing the house at different stages of completion over a period of 18 months .
29 One can think of laying a graph of words over a graph of lower-level units such as phonemes .
30 I thought of him as the rhino : myopic , short-legged , thick-skinned , not too bright but with a mean temper , a surprising turn of speed over a short course , and , above all , a keen sense of smell .
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