Example sentences of "of [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hence the glass of whisky at the dispatch box rather than mineral water : A premature celebration ?
2 David Perry , 35 , of Buttermere Avenue , Orford , Gary Toony , 25 , of Kendal Avenue , Orford , and Steven Lea , 27 , of St David 's Drive , Callands , all Warrington , admitted the theft of cases of whisky at the town 's Crown Court .
3 This is not because of the often quoted ‘ collection of mulm at the front so that it can be syphoned off ’ which simply does n't happen in a properly run undergravel filtered tank .
4 PROPOSALS to form a Premier League second division were thrown out as England 's top clubs achieved a rare showing of unity at a London meeting yesterday .
5 The shaking table is a 50-tonne concrete plate set horizontally in a hole in a concrete floor with several centimetres of play at the edges .
6 That is the state of play at the moment . ’
7 Dale Reid on the pace of play at the Belgian Open at Bercuit .
8 Right then , Lawrence , what 's the current state of play at the moment ?
9 Now I think the landscape issue and by landscape I mean er landscape and ecology , is capable of assessment at a strategic level , that 's why we have er National Parks , A O N Bs and so on .
10 The putting together of a record of achievement and the formative use of assessment at every stage of schooling should mean that such patterns of feedback as well as prediction would in time be developed as would cross the divide between primary , secondary , sixth form , tertiary college , FE and higher education .
11 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
12 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance , profits tax shall be charged for each year of assessment at the standard rate on every person carrying on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong in respect of his assessable profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong for that year from such trade , profession or business ( excluding profits arising from the sale of capital assets ) as ascertained in accordance with this Part .
13 It superceded GCE ‘ O ’ Level and CSE examinations to constitute a unified system of assessment at the end of compulsory schooling .
14 The easing of compulsion in one part of a school 's obligations meant that those who managed curriculum balance , specific schemes of teaching and school policies of assessment at the primary as well as at the secondary levels grew uncertain about other issues .
15 This effectively destroyed any chance of progress at a crucial stage in the negotiations , it meant the collapse of the so-called ‘ Finlandisation ’ option .
16 While British officials were busy trying to put the best face on the evident lack of progress at the talks , the Chinese delegation was eager to emphasise the differences between the sides .
17 Research students register as Probationer Research Students in the first instance , and , subject to a formal review of progress at the end of the first year , they may have their registration upgraded to that of D.Phil .
18 There are several methods of extending our rule to cope with this problem , all of which are essentially ways of considering programs restricted so that we only need worry about a finite set of values at a time .
19 In discussion it was suggested that one could consider the clash of values at the local level in terms of game theory , where ‘ traditionalists ’ were playing the game and were winning whereas ‘ progressivists ’ were not in the game but wanted to change the rules so that they could compete .
20 This is done by , among other things , the sharing of stories , exchange of gossip , and a friendly and very sharp banter ( at which policemen are very good ) , during which sergeants sometimes have to struggle to rise above the one-line wit and are often themselves forced to succumb ( on the use of rituals at the beginning of work in American police departments see Niederhoffer 1967 ) .
21 This meant performing a given set of rituals at the appropriate times .
22 The summer conversations in Kissingen , the presence in St Petersburg of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , the greater enthusiasm for reform of Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs — all these undoubtedly altered the balance of opinion to which he was exposed and made him more susceptible to reformist sentiments ; but he may also have been naive enough to believe that the gentry at large would follow the example of the north-westerners and welcome the measure he was putting to them .
23 NIHAT CILASUN : a 15-year-old boy , Nihat Cilasun was shot dead as he ran towards his home carrying bread , during a curfew announced after disturbances in the City of Cizre at the time of the Kurdish New Year ;
24 Thus it was no surprise that in 1967 he was chosen to become the Faraday Professor of Electrochemistry at the University of Southampton on the English south coast .
25 ‘ Despite the environmental carnage around the wreck , the sullying of the Shetland name and the ensuing loss of livelihood at the heart of our fragile economy the Government has done very little to protect us from another spill , ’ she said .
26 It might just be the voice of support at a meeting or the follow-up on a personal problem mentioned a few days ago .
27 You will find details of organisations which offer this form of support at the end of this booklet and a list of sympathetic ministers of different faiths can be obtained from CARA , The Terrence Higgins Trust Family Support Network and London Lighthouse Community Services .
28 Indeed , getting proposals through is a test of virility for some executives , so notions of change at a late stage in the policy-making process are unreal .
29 The shadow cabinet elections are arousing unusual interest because of change at the top .
30 Traffic disruption and a shortage of change at the turnstiles saw the kick-off delayed by 15 minutes .
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