Example sentences of "of [noun] for different " in BNC.

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1 It may be that the policy of differing rates of support for different categories of residential and nursing homes clients encourages some specialisation. b Literature A survey of registered nursing homes in Edinburgh showed that about 70% of residents suffered mild , moderate or severe dementia , but figures varied from home to home , indicating differing practices , not necessarily related to the declared policy of the homes ( Primrose and Capewell , 1987 ) .
2 General practitioners spend a good proportion of their time with elderly patients and this is acknowledged in the rates of payment for different categories of patients on the GP lists .
3 A normal market occurs when the current prices of contracts for different delivery months are higher , the more distant the delivery month .
4 The 1988 Griffiths Report , Care in the Community : An Agenda for Action , described once more the problems of community care as being poor planning and control , and poor division of responsibility for different areas of concern .
5 If , for each country , is constant over time it follows that will be a constant , although of course for different countries it will be a different constant .
6 You input the data only once , you can then print out any number of patterns for different sizes of garment in inches or centimetres .
7 You input the data only once , you can then print out any number of patterns for different sizes of garment in inches or centimetres .
8 The need for an ‘ official name ’ for indexes and dictionaries contrasts with the desire of others for a set of rules for different names leaving the choice between them to the user .
9 This computer programme comes with FINDPHONE and can be applied to the same data to select different types of data for different grammatical purposes , e.g. all words can be extracted and put in a separate file to add to your lexicon .
10 In architecture there appeared a greater variety of buildings for different purposes .
11 During this time they were also shown a reel of commercials for different brands , including one for Tetley round bags .
12 More particularly , pupils should compile a folder of coursework containing writing of a range of types on a variety of topics for different and clearly specified audiences .
13 You will remember that he thought that contextual features might be considered in the way that general phonetic features are considered : sometimes , but not always relevant , and specifiable to variable degrees of delicacy for different purposes ( 2.2 .
14 Different definitions of charity for different purposes , for example , charity , tax , rating , would be very confusing .
15 From 1771 onwards a series of codes for different provinces , beginning with Silesia , had set for the first time clear official limits to what the lords could demand of their peasants , especially in terms of labour-services .
16 Liaison between authorities is facilitated by the establishment of forums for different authorities to discuss matters of mutual concern .
17 English has a multitude of names for different types of tools , because of our high mechanisation , e.g. " spanner " , " ring-spanner " , " box-spanner " , " C-spanner " , etc .
18 In fact , it is difficult to envisage any library which would not require a considerable number of categories to take account of varying rates of use for different subjects and levels of requirement .
19 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
20 An inverted-U relationship would have predicted different magnitudes and directions of correlation for different risk levels .
21 There is also , it seems to me , a need to maintain the balance between these conventional awards for damages for pain , suffering and loss of amenity for different types of injury .
22 Since intracommodity spreads are concerned with the relative prices of different delivery months for the same future , the pattern of prices for different delivery months is of interest to a spread trader .
23 Thus a range of groups , including both the voluntary sector and the private sector , should be encouraged to provide wide-ranging forms of care for different groups , including the mentally ill and mentally handicapped , with the local authority carrying overall responsibility for provision .
24 Model forms of memorandum for different types of companies can be found in the Companies ( Tables A-F ) Regulations 1985 .
25 In her review Cohen argues that there is little evidence in favour of the absolute specialisation models and points out that , as regards the nature of hemispheric specialisation , differences between the two halves of the brain have been conceptualised in terms of specialisation for different types of material , specialisation for different processes and specialisation for different stages of processing .
26 There may be one scheme that applies to everyone in the organisation or there may be a variety of schemes for different grades of employee .
27 One of the strengths of the Australian National Health Strategy initiative has been its ‘ equity audit ’ on the health care sector — identifying problems over access and use of services for different groups in the population .
28 The motor industry is seen as a prototype for the ‘ post-Fordist regime of flexible accumulation ’ , involving both fewer workers at principal factories and a much more varied supply of components for different models and markets .
29 You can tailor lists of events for different parts of your life , or for different people , but it 's a long-winded way of jotting stuff down .
30 Different departments require a different degree of detail for different research applications .
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