Example sentences of "of [adj] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When he gave me a copy of his complete works in September of 1943 inscribed from a ‘ sincere friend ’ , I noted the four lines opposite the title page :
2 The Oct-11 amino terminus has 43% amino acid identity with the corresponding region of Oct-2 compared to 24% with this region of Oct-1 .
3 A GIRL of eight paralysed as a baby in a car crash won a possible £7 million damages in the High Court yesterday .
4 In the House of Representatives , controlled by the Democratic Party since 1956 , the party won 259 seats , a net loss of eight compared with the 1990 result .
5 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
6 Another woman in her mid-sixties said she had been one of eight raped by ‘ Serbian irregulars ’ .
7 The British delegation of eight comprised of two Principals of Oral Schools for the Deaf which had a combined total of less than 25 students !
8 The figure was calculated from a population of 74,014 taken from the electoral register at September 10 last year .
9 They have found that molecules of oxygen ( 02 ) split up at different rates according to whether the molecule contains two atoms of oxygen-16 or one atom of oxygen-16 combined with another of the rarer oxygen-17 or oxygen-18 isotopes .
10 The import liberalization measures of 1989/90 combined with an upswing in domestic demand to produce a strong growth of imports in 1990 .
11 The best example of this is the fact that none of the greatest music of the period was inspired by the idea of military conflict ( as some of that written by Beethoven in the following generation clearly was ) .
12 But even at their early fifties peak , these funds constituted only 7 per cent of industrial finance ( 12 per cent of that raised outside the firm ) .
13 The temperature of maximum damping is usually associated with T g , and at low frequencies the value assigned to T g is within a few kelvins of that obtained from the static methods .
14 The number of viable acini isolated in pancreatitis induced by caerulein was only about 30% of that obtained from the intact pancreas .
15 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
16 The stereo system is standard , but it is particularly complex to operate , even after practice , and the sound quality is but a shadow of that fitted in the version of the car six years ago which was , quite simply , the best I have ever experienced .
17 It is a commonly stated opinion that the quality of work produced by sub-contractors is below the standard of that achieved by directly employed labour , particularly where pride in workmanship is overshadowed by a potential increase in earnings .
18 The amount of serum given had to balance with the amount given me by the Pharmacist from the records she kept of that given to Ward Sisters for use on the wards .
19 Well what did you think of that compared to doing this with the numbers in ?
20 What do you think of that compared to the numbers ?
21 You feel the weight of that compared to a gateau box .
22 There was n't much of that done in it , but a good deal of rendezvousing and sitting in the sun .
23 This behaviour seems at first sight to be the opposite of that seen during wound closure .
24 Maximum vasoconstriction following sumatriptan is only 21% of that seen with 5HT ( serotonin ) .
25 The ZNF37B sequence from yA136E7 was not sequenced , but presumably would represent a variant of that seen in yA4C5 .
26 The Ea expression level obtained with the Long construct mice approaches the actual ratio of that seen in BALB/c mice of one times the expression level per genomic copy of the Ea d gene .
27 At best these dependences can only be approximated by complicated networks and the performance of any real filter must fall short of that represented by figure 9.3(b) for a correctly terminated filter .
28 This was a rejection of Arnold 's view that the change from ‘ childhood to manhood … ought to be hastened ’ in favour of that expressed by Warden Sewell of Radley College : ‘ How I dread mannikizing a boy …
29 Mr Severin 's voyage is reminiscent of that undertaken by another great but misguided adventurer , Thor Heyerdahl .
30 German armour , typical of that worn by the Hohenstaufen knights , on a warrior of about 1100 .
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