Example sentences of "of [adj] [verb] was " in BNC.

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1 Among the aristocracy the growth of vast entails was consistently favoured by lawyers ' evasions of the ‘ doctrine of incompatibility ’ , designed to prevent accumulation of entailed estates .
2 It seems most likely that an appreciable quantity of unreduced bis(2-azidoethyl)ether was still present in the ‘ diamine ’ .
3 Lord Aldington told the jury that the fate of many of those repatriated was awful .
4 One of those killed was a suspect turned witness in the April 1989 murder of a prominent property developer .
5 These suspicions were fuelled when it was discovered that one of those killed was not employed at the mine .
6 A major defence by many of those prosecuted was that the enclosures had taken place before the practice had been made an offence , and although the practice continued after this date there is good reason to believe that this was often the case .
7 But equally , MDC in its first eight years was not a major generator of jobs — and the individual cost of those created was extremely high .
8 One of those charged was George Finbar O'Doherty , who was alleged to have given a command in Irish to the colour party .
9 One of those to die was a naturalist and an Admiral in the Roman Navy , Caius Plinius or Pliny the Elder , who was a much-respected man and widely-known in his own time .
10 One of those misled was Trotsky himself , who completely misread the real import of what Bukharin had written , as we shall see in the next chapter .
11 One of those to fall was Rick Bartlett , Somerset 's top scorer with 56 off 119 balls with seven fours .
12 But the crush of those fleeing was too much and the officers were swamped .
13 The English haul of booty and prisoners was enormous : the list of those captured was headed by the king himself , together with his son Philip , the Archbishop of Sens , the Comte of Tancarville , the Comte of Sancerre , the Vicomte of Narbonne , the Seneschal of Poitou and the Comte of Ventadour .
14 The number of those arrested was put by the government at 1,900 ; by the PPP at 27,000 , and by the local press at about 15,000 .
15 One of those arrested was conference director Abdurakhim Pulatov ( who was later reported to be in a Tashkent prison ) .
16 Software managers were said to be deciding which projects to kill at a Geneva meeting last week — one of those mentioned was the Network Application System .
17 Turning to collective behaviour , opinion of those interviewed was divided on the effect of television on attendance in the Chamber .
18 Day 1 ) Discovered that the rumour of a constant flow of 25,000 cfs was false .
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