Example sentences of "of [noun] for people " in BNC.

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1 As it stands , the crucial implication of these findings , if they are correct , is that increasing the availability of support for people with adverse living circumstances in an attempt to prevent depression would not be expected to be effective .
2 There may be the most practical methods of purchase for people in remote rural areas , but avoid any mail order or catalogue offer unless there is a free home trial period or bona fide money-back guarantee .
3 erm I also think that people will use the fact that people are staying away , or have stayed away , because of the Gulf as a sort of excuse for people not coming and not really get down to the roots of maybe , you know , why are n't people , why do n't people want to stay in British hotels , why do n't people want to stay in London Hotels ?
4 An extra £15 is a lot of money for people to find .
5 What will this mean in terms of provision for people ?
6 The lack of opportunity for people to travel and study abroad would have hastened that decline .
7 The plan is designed to achieve equality of opportunity for people from these groups within the ES .
8 There 's a lot of free-lance work which is actually used in the media , and there 's a lot of opportunity for people .
9 And then on that site as well , there 's a print group and a woodwork group , so there 's quite a range , a diversity of opportunities for people , that 's what we try to provide . .
10 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
11 Like the woman said there , there seems to be a lot of help for people who are on drugs , and who then want to come off them , but the after-care service seems to be you know , a lot erm , there 's not a lot help for the people , they get the help to come off the drugs and then they 're put back into the society that they are from and they seem to still have that pressure to go back to where they were previously .
12 There will still be a system of rebates for people on low incomes but there will no longer be a minimum contribution — so some people will be entitled to 100 per cent rebates .
13 Because you 're not carrying the weight of your body on your feet , it 's a good form of exercise for people with painful feet , bad backs , or arthritis .
14 Perhaps in future you 'd better save that sort of chat for people who know me .
15 Plans are now being made by the local branches of CNHC to organise a day of reflection for people working in housing organisations .
16 This course would be a period of reflection for people involved in action at home : they would bring experiences to reflect upon .
17 Hours of work for people who work full time are 41 hours in London and 42 hours elsewhere ( including a one hour lunch break each day ) .
18 Roehampton Hospital is , justly , world-famous for its marvellous skills of rehabilitation for people with limb disabilities .
19 Meanwhile , we 'll be trotting them along to probation or a solicitor or whatever and getting that side of things dealt with , etc. etc. , so we try to stitch together some sorts of packages for people who otherwise fall through .
20 Theo Waigel , the finance minister and leader of the Christian Social Union , wants stiffer sentences , tighter rules for granting bail and looser standards of evidence for people charged with rioting .
21 Work with people with disabilities and their organisation to draw up a charter of rights for people with disabilities .
22 you know , because they do n't know what their right are with And you know , I think places like the law centre , which fight for the rights of people in , you know to develop that that kind of service for people .
23 ‘ It was felt important to restore the spire as a monument to the old church which is so full of memories for people . ’
24 Bags of fun for people of all ages , with 12 water slides from gentle slopes to the ‘ Kamikaze Rum ’ .
25 Dr Jenkins also criticizes the lack of aftercare for people like Sean Stanley .
26 These rivers are a source of water for people and crops in India and Pakistan .
27 Large rivers are fed by the melting snow and ice from the mount and the rivers are a source of water for people and crops in India and Pakistan .
28 And there were a clutch of gongs for people who also write .
29 There are two basic mechanisms by which bias works : choice of pronouns ( specifically in the case of gender bias ) , and choice of names for people .
30 And studies have shown that if people are injected , even with not a drug that sort of , satisfies their need for a while , and what does work is a change of environment for people and that does come down to people not , you know , being able to work , people being unemployed , and also peer group pressure like th , the woman said over there .
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