Example sentences of "of [noun] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another water course formerly of great importance in the Forest of Dean is the Cone Brook .
2 From up here , the Forest of Dean was a holy land .
3 The default value of HIMEM is the highest memory address available for use by BBCBASIC(Z80) .
4 In spite of all that has been said by popular moralists , along the lines of honesty being the best policy , everyone really knows implicitly that it is by this test of universalisability that one should determine what one ought to do .
5 It is obvious that the first type of temperament is the one most desirable for a riding horse .
6 Women are part of the leadership of the Intifada and their organising and incredible display of unity is a major impetus to the Uprising .
7 To digress for a moment , that the apparent non-seriousness of play is a paradox is something which many anti-progressive educationists have chosen to ignore .
8 The February play was A Thriller of the Year , with an all-female cast our original choice of play was A Death Trap we could n't cast it because of a lack of men auditioning .
9 The author stresses that the nature of assessment is a complex activity requiring skill and being more than the gathering of information which is but a first stage in the process .
10 This Instrument of Assessment is a particular application of the reviewing process with which PSD tutors will already be familiar .
11 commonly known as an essay , this instrument of assessment is the most open-ended type of written assessment
12 Commonly known as an essay , this form of assessment is the most open-ended type of written test .
13 However , in relation to exclusions in standard terms , including exclusion of liability for negligence , the time of assessment is the time when the contract was made .
14 4.4 As has been stated , the principles of assessment are the same for both categories .
15 The final stage of assessment was the negotiation of a treatment contract , including which of the patient 's problems were going to be tackled and the practical arrangements for treatment sessions .
16 In addition , one must ensure that he was not resident in the United Kingdom for three full years of assessment being the year ended 5 April .
17 A day spent exploring the environs of Keld is a day to remember .
18 The supreme joy of Keld is the river , hurrying in a mad rush from its desolate beginnings as it thrashes through a channel it has carved in the limestone in a series of cascades and waterfalls .
19 Connections quickly came to the fore in the application , however , for Kinnoull pointed out that the wife of the minister of Tippermuir was a lady ‘ for whom the Dowager Lady Findlater has a particular regard ’ , and she was herself the niece of Sir James Grant 's uncle , Sir William Dunbar .
20 Gramsci 's theory of hegemony is a partial answer to this ; but there remains unanswered the question how development occurs at all in peripheral areas .
21 ( a ) The requirement that the belief that p should track the truth of p is a requirement that the first two clauses of the theory should be related in a certain way .
22 A proposition P is said to entail another proposition Q when the truth of Q is a logically necessary consequence of the truth of P ( and the falsity of P is a logically necessary consequence of the falsity of Q ) .
23 According to this view , the working classes had more to unite them than divide them , and the separateness of states was a piece of mystification which helped to perpetuate capitalism .
24 Lankester suggested that the driving force of progress was the struggle of organisms to cope with environmental challenge , and warned that degeneration threatened any species that took up a less stimulating environment .
25 To the north of Petersfield is a series of steep-sided hills called the Hampshire Hangers .
26 The heart of Saphery is the Tower of Hoeth , the shrine of the God of Wisdom .
27 However , an equal number of players are working in situations were an ability to adapt to different musical landscapes enhances their earning power considerably , and for them this type of rig is a Godsend .
28 Another kind of support are the various care attendant schemes coming into operation .
29 This pattern of support was a dangerous one for the club .
30 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
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