Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 When the householders learned that the completion of the contract marked the start of Ron 's retirement after 35 years , they clubbed together to buy him a carriage clock and bottle of whisky as a thank you gift to remember them by .
2 Freddie poured a measure of whisky into a coronation mug .
3 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
4 In Bailiffs of Dunwich v. Sterry , the plaintiffs had the right to wrecks at Dunwich and the defendant took a cask of whisky from a wreck before the plaintiffs could get it .
5 Ash and I levered our way through the press of people while I undid my jacket and struggled to extricate my half-bottle of whisky from a side pocket .
6 When he came home , he took a bottle of whisky from a cupboard and began to drink .
7 He fished out a bottle of whisky from a kit-bag , and cleaned two glasses on his towel .
8 The last leg took me down through the fringes of the Forest of Dean along a narrowing spur .
9 Some women would want to link this with the consolidation of black consciousness and with the reclassification of lesbianism as a political and sexual choice rather than a congenital affliction .
10 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
11 And several yards away , glistening with droplets of moisture in a solitary shaft of sunlight , was another flower .
12 It takes its structure from a set of correspondences between elements and persons , and the old definition of temperament as a mixture of qualities is present to the reader 's mind — the same definition that permits us to think of Faussone as a part of Levi , or as his alter ego .
13 PROPOSALS to form a Premier League second division were thrown out as England 's top clubs achieved a rare showing of unity at a London meeting yesterday .
14 INSIDE ISRAEL Voice of unity in a divided region Israel Radio has Arab fans , writes Anton La Guardia
15 The movement of ions through a membrane is controlled by the nature and number of charged molecules fixed in it .
16 The Lawson parameter is this time multiplied by the number density , the number of ions in a unit volume of plasma , n : the sustainment time is the length of time for which these conditions are maintained .
17 Once again , ionization from the ground-state of the molecule leads to the formation of ions in a series of vibrational states , and the UPS band shows a progression with ( see Fig. 6.12 ) .
18 The increases in excise tax included increasing the federal gasoline tax from 9 to 14 cents per gallon , the renewal of the tax on airline tickets , increased from 8 to 10 per cent , the doubling of taxes on a six-pack of beer from 16 to 32 cents , increased taxes on wines and spirits , and a tax increase ( from 16 cents a pack to 20 cents ) on cigarettes .
19 We recently visited an inspector of taxes with a client .
20 Retiro Station offered Paul Theroux a comfortable sense of home-coming after a long rail journey through the continent .
21 The appalling conditions , with driving rain throughout , determined the style of play on a heavy , muddy pitch .
22 Generally speaking , lateral water hazards run parallel with the line of play of a golf hole and they should be clearly marked with either red stakes or red lines .
23 This is shows how the full information game is also the limit of play in a game where z is not known .
24 A proper discussion of a football match can not occur if one of the participants is quite ignorant of the rules of the game ; and the kind of assessment of a restaurant meal that would involve the possible insertion of the establishment into a good food guide ( or perhaps its deletion from it ) will not get very far if one of the diners does not care for the meal because his idea of a gastronomic treat is a cheeseburger and french fries ( though within the order of the burger discriminations are possible ) .
25 Now I think the landscape issue and by landscape I mean er landscape and ecology , is capable of assessment at a strategic level , that 's why we have er National Parks , A O N Bs and so on .
26 But it will have been a fruitful exercise if practitioners are themselves encouraged to explore issues of assessment in a more critical way .
27 Where a capital sum is paid to the settlor in the year of assessment by a body corporate connected with the settlement in that year it shall be assumed until the contrary is shown that an associated payment of an amount not less than the amount of the capital sum has been made to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement ( s678(7) ) .
28 Cypress Semiconductor Corp returned to profitability in the first quarter of 1993 ended March 29 , reporting net income of $2.4m against a loss of $23.7m in the fourth quarter , on revenues of $69.5m , up 3% .
29 It is widely known that there are harmful effects from inhalation of outfall from a lead works ; for children who ingest it by licking lead-painted toys ; and for families whose drinking water is supplied through lead pipes .
30 In addition to their port duties , Lerwick staff had to cover controls at Sumburgh Airport which was thirty miles south of Lerwick over a bumpy switchback road .
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