Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty minutes later , wearing her grey flannel trousers and mole-coloured jersey and with her hair casually tied back in a velvet ribbon , Julia walked into the salon , only to be brought up short by the sight of David staring blankly at a yellow form in his right hand , a tumbler of whisky ignored and tilting in his left .
2 They took it to the Gallows Hill , Cumnock , intending to hang it from the gibbet but the Earl of Dumfries intervened and stopped them as he feared rioting by the people of the district .
3 ‘ There 's a lot of play involved but the games all have an underlying aim ; survival , safety and getting some movement going . ’
4 Carr was dismissed by referee Brian White with just four minutes of play gone after he kicked out at Donegal midfielder Brian Murray .
5 More than 13,000 people turned up to watch , which is 10,000 more than the standard of play merited and the stadium had all the atmosphere of a crypt — a sad pass for a fixture which used to crackle with excitement and produce play of fire and skill .
6 The use of inappropriate forms of assessment to grade and rank-order pupils ' work for the purpose of making comparisons or to achieve so-called ‘ unified standards ’ is illustrated by the worst abuses of norm-referencing , which has been roundly and justifiably criticized by many writers , even in those areas of the curriculum where one might expect this system to be welcomed .
7 Chapter 4 begins with a brief description of the modes of assessment used and contains the main body of the results of testing .
8 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
9 Members for whom CPE is compulsory , will be required to maintain their own annual record of CPE undertaken and be able , when required , to confirm to the Institute they have complied annually with the CPE guidelines .
10 Members who undertake CPE , even though for them it is not compulsory , will still be expected to record their compliance with the CPE guidelines on an annual basis and , if necessary , be able to provide details of CPE undertaken and explain the relevance of that CPE to their professional development .
11 Nothing much hangs on my own , so easily distracted by the swoop of a crow or the amazing bright green of raspberry leaves as the sun floods our hillside acre .
12 It is necessary by way of preface to emphasise that in no circumstances can in-house benefits give rise to no taxable benefit or only a small taxable benefit if that benefit is to be assessed on an average cost basis .
13 The quantity of nuclease used and the incubation times were chosen such that most of the DNA was digested in the absence of NCp7 .
14 She only admitted the offence as part of plea bargining and just because you plead guilty it does n't mean you did it .
15 Well , they 'd had a few weeks of mystery , of secrets kept and of wrong conclusions avoided .
16 Y'know so she did n't necessarily have a strong sense of y'know coping and surviving and er using strategies which helped her get through it .
17 D Kopitz ( EBU ) in discussing development of TMC admits that : ‘ The TMC device will probably be too complex to permit its incorporation within a standard car radio case .
18 The paintings of the Kings of Saxony displayed as architect Semper intended
19 And they said they were concerned and disappointed by the lack of progress made since Beverley died .
20 At the bar stood several men , well-dressed , hair slicked back , sharing the knowing sympathy of lions waiting until something passed that struck them as worth killing .
21 Our diagnosis of want shows that it is low-income families with children — the unemployed and low-wage earners — who are worst off .
22 All those who were familiar with the works of Kerschensteiner knew that the task of the schools was to educate their pupils to serve their fellow citizens ; they were to be taught the value of joy in work as service .
23 The widespread influence of Kerschensteiner ensured that reformers referred to him for guidance on the matter .
24 In both the type of support given and in the way it is delivered , it seems of great importance to sustain a balance between dependence and independence which is regarded as appropriate by all parties .
25 For example , Ambrose , Harper and Pemberton 's ( 1983 ) small study of men after divorce found that just over half their sample relied on parents and/or siblings for support , but they give little detail about the type of support offered and it may well have been practical as much as emotional .
26 Both these forms of support suggest that video is a good medium for extended listening to the foreign language .
27 The pace of change means that insights culled from even the most up-to-date research may still miss crucial dimensions of how mothers cope with poverty .
28 Chaired by the distinguished philosopher Jonathan Glover , a small committee of experts recognised that the issue is a classic test of our deepest moral views .
29 One well publicised problem at the Hermitage is the shortage of space ; a number of experts claim that the museum can only put 7–8% of its collection on display .
30 Perhaps all deaths recorded as due to asthma should be analysed by an independent panel of experts to ensure that the national statistics are correct .
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