Example sentences of "be tell that all " in BNC.

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1 He looked like an airline passenger who has just been told that all four engines on his 747 have just failed .
2 She spoke Spanish a little , enough to understand what was going on , although at her interview she had been told that all her patients would be British .
3 You are told that all these ritual practices have now come to an end , for the coming of Jesus makes all ceremonial redundant .
4 The Galiaras were told that all the trouble was caused by the fact that she had no entry certificate , but that does not explain the inhuman treatment she received .
5 Burton asked for an audition and did one despite being told that all the parts were taken .
6 When the Cleveland affair was in the news in 1987/88 I wrote about becoming a father , which was the most wonderful experience — I felt completely liberated by it ; and then I was being told that all men were potential child abusers because they were so emotionally retarded .
7 In addition , the existing nurses , who were given undertakings when the trust was set up that their posts would be protected , are now being told that all their jobs are up for re-examination and that anyone seeking extra education will soon be told that someone else is waiting to take her position —
8 His father 's body that had lain in the great lead-lined stone coffin there for forty years was reverently removed and buried below the flagstones inside the chapel , which was hung with black , and the old man was told that all was ready for him .
9 The Commission was told that all 13 hours of recordings of communications between the operations room of the SAP internal stability unit and police officers on the day of the massacre had been erased accidentally .
10 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
11 I was told that all I needed to know was the total spend and that was it .
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