Example sentences of "be just [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That has been monumental help , but it has not been just practical help .
2 Christopher Knox , defending , said O'Brian had been just 100 yards from where nine men were killed in the Gulf War friendly fire blunder .
3 OFFICIALLY there has been just one Clinton fighting on the Democrat ticket to get into the White House .
4 An attractive young woman in her mid-twenties , she had been just one year away from her final examinations as a solicitor when , two years earlier , she had been rushed into hospital for an emergency appendectomy .
5 It seemed like ever since the ‘ sixties there had been just one brand of government in two slightly different packages and nothing much ever changed ; there was this feeling that after the burst of energy in the early-mid-'sixties everything had been going downhill ; the whole country was constipated , bound up with rules and regulations and restrictive practices and just general , endemic , infectious ennui .
6 Physically he had been just one millimetre closer to Doreen than ever before , but emotionally he had crossed a frontier .
7 It was the third time in eight games that the margin of victory had been just two runs .
8 And that had been just two years ago .
9 But when I think it would have been just eight years from completion now , up to a height of about 400 feet , I think it 's sad we did n't get permission to build it .
10 She may have been just twenty years old , and secretly terrified , but she would only have one wedding in her life , and she was determined to make it her own .
11 Dr. Favor was older than she was , at least fifteen years older , which put her about thirty , and he could have been just another man sitting there .
12 Without him so many Christmases would have been just another day .
13 At another time and another place they would have been just another set of happy holiday snaps .
14 Two years previously it would have been just another biker film , and two years on it would have been dated in terms of attitudes .
15 It might even have been just another sound effect .
16 With an authoritarian captain to instil some pep into them , a draw or two may have been salvaged and it would have been just another defeat rather than an abject cave-in , but Gower was not able to pick them up .
17 There have been just three winners for the stable to cheer home so far this season .
18 The electric field is always in the radial direction , so the field lines are just straight lines as shown in Fig. 2.2 .
19 Often the differences between watercolour , gouache , poster and acrylic paints are not well-defined , some paintings described as watercolours are just water-based paintings .
20 They think that all designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs .
21 If only six national newspapers ( the Sun , Daily Mirror , Star , Daily Mail , The Times and Guardian ) are examined , there are just eighteen cases which get coverage in more than three of these newspapers .
22 Thus , according to our definitions , unc whilst unc and so , unless unc and unc are just other names for 3 and 1 w are in the intolerable situation that a sum or product of two classes depends not only on which the classes are but also on what we choose to call them !
23 These Tans are just hired killers .
24 ‘ These numbers are just broad descriptions .
25 In practice , they are just ordinary people who for some reason — and the reason is often accidental — have become involved with the mentally handicapped .
26 Patients are just ordinary people , after all .
27 Of course , pseudo scientific claims also make great advertising copy — that 's not to say these products are just clever gimmicks .
28 Some may think that these are just nice debating points , and that they bear little relationship to what actually happens .
29 The lean ecology here means the entire 150 years of diatom layers are just 5 cm deep .
30 They are the subject of an intensive release programme in central Wales where there are just 70 breeding pairs .
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