Example sentences of "be good [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 " There 's no problem.you 're better in a week and afterwards , your child will be well looked after , go to school , be better fed . "
2 So it 's , you 're good on the tactics .
3 And you , , you 're good at the vestibules , the canvas vestibules you know , concertinas like .
4 They 're good with the English language .
5 Im sure the lower divisions are better as the people doing the rating wont know much to have a ‘ feeling ’ , and look at results — and get a more mathmatical figure .
6 The simplest solution might appear to be to ban battery cages altogether and keep all hens free range or in percheries : but this presupposes that these alternatives really are better for the birds .
7 They say things are better for the bairns now since they brought the hours down to ten , but some of the pigs get over that .
8 There 's certainly a feeling that such labours are ‘ easy ’ , and studies have shown that they are better for the baby — rapid deliveries mean less chance of the baby becoming distressed and therefore involve fewer forceps deliveries and Caesarean sections .
9 Thin crops on exposed hillsides are better on the smaller supports .
10 But if it 's not quite enough , although you 'll get the initial benefits they , they can tend to wear off , so some people are better on the higher , some people are better on the lower dose .
11 But if it 's not quite enough , although you 'll get the initial benefits they , they can tend to wear off , so some people are better on the higher , some people are better on the lower dose .
12 They have to the Atari , right you load this in a word processing in a path games are venture and the sound is much better than Amiga on the Amiga er the graphics are better on the Amiga and but the Atari ST is slightly easier to program .
13 The British have more Nobel Prizewinners and are better at the breakthrough to something completely new .
14 A number of sensitive species of marine fish are not happy with boisterous species and are better in an aquarium on their own or together with similar non-boisterous species .
15 Sandy must be having company , pulled the blind down I think that 's why they 've been good about the parking this week , cos I mean Irene 's pulled her car , we saw Irene pull her car in was you here when she I saw her get in it , it must of been teatime yesterday
16 He has got off lightly : we learn with mildly comic surprise of mitigating circumstances : he had been good to a consumptive fellow student , and he had saved two children from a blazing house , getting burnt himself while doing so .
17 You 've been good to a poor man . ’
18 Greeks have never been good at the plodding job , even in their classical prime ; Demosthenes was not the only one to complain of that .
19 It says I 've been good at the doctor today .
20 Whenever Keith has been good for a day Mr Smith should watch a programme on the television with him .
21 T'would have done you no harm , and been good for the
22 Sam could sing and play the concertina and violin , and he must have been good for the BBC to come all the way to Baldersdale to find him .
23 It might have been good for the dockies , but it were n't no good for the lighterman .
24 What is beyond question is that British membership has been good for the EEC ; not only do British taxpayers and consumers bear the cost of the CAP , the CFP , the Common External Tariff and the Cohesion budget , but Britain constitutes an artificial captive market for the exporters of the Eleven .
25 The continuing strength of the dollar has been good for the group , as many shipbuilding and most shipping contracts are priced in dollars , and both Finland and Norway have gained a competitive edge against both the US and Germany .
26 ‘ I 'd always been good with a sewing machine , ’ she says , ‘ so a kindly neighbour asked me to run her up a few silk separates for the summer holidays .
27 Industrial relations had not been good in the health service for many years and not all of that was the fault of the unions .
28 Edward G. Robinson had been good in the previous year 's Little Caesar and there was to be great acclaim for the explicitness of the following year 's Scarface but it was Cagney 's 1931 performance in The Public Enemy that occasioned the most significant debate .
29 I was quick to snap her up before you changed your mind she was n't right for national accounts at that time she 'd been good in the groups role
30 Business had been good in the few weeks she had been in charge , but she was astute enough to realise that many of the customers had been coming to the club simply to see her .
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