Example sentences of "be know to be " in BNC.

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1 Waiting lists are known to be an inaccurate indicator of need , as many doctors do not refer patients if they know the wait will be long ( this is as true for instance for hearing aids as it is for hip replacements ) .
2 Brothers , choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom .
3 Ministers are known to be bracing themselves for a series of defeats .
4 It feeds on a wide variety of fish — 43 different species are known to be taken as prey .
5 Almost 80 per cent of the female seals in the Baltic are known to be sterile , primarily as a result of PCB poisoning , and by the year 2000 , grey seals in the Baltic may well have become extinct .
6 Reserves are known to be low in Sudan , and thought to be low in Ethiopia .
7 Although they always look so tempting on the garden centre shelf , they are known to be very hard to please .
8 Ten ministers are known to be members of the Apprentice Boys of Derry .
9 People who are used to having responsible jobs at home or in the office and who are known to be good managers and organizers can not understand why suddenly the simplest task seems to be beyond them , and this makes them feel out of control and very unsafe .
10 After ballots of parents , 215 schools have so far opted out : but another 2,000 are known to be keen to do so , given that grant-maintained status offers them money and freedom .
11 Well , note first of all that the various gases that are thought to have made up the early atmosphere contain most of the main elements that are known to be essential to life : carbon , nitrogen , sulphur , hydrogen , and oxygen — though the oxygen was not ‘ free ’ , but was combined for example with carbon in carbon monoxide .
12 All these gases are known to be highly chemically reactive .
13 This covers all types of mental handicap , including mild cases where social and environmental factors are known to be important but the exact nature of the problem is less well known .
14 They may be at risk because of identifiable genetic disorders which are known to be present , or because of the age of the mother .
15 Once this has occurred , risks are known to be very high , in some cases one in four for further births .
16 Because viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers , it was natural to investigate any possible relationship between herpes infection of the cervix and cervical cancer .
17 Examinations need to be carried out only at infrequent intervals and in most cases only those aspects of the product or container that are known to be those most likely to undergo change need be examined .
18 River insects develop wings in the last stage of their life cycle , and dragonflies are known to be able to fly many miles .
19 Female staff of childbearing age , particularly women who are known to be pregnant , require special protection from radiation hazards and there are codes of practice which apply to radiotherapy and X-ray procedures .
20 Psychological stressors are known to be important contributory factors in relation to accidents .
21 The distribution of porosity is controlled partly by depositional facies and partly by diagenesis , and potential reservoir rocks are known to be developed in each of the carbonate units .
22 No porosity or permeability data has been published for the oolitic grainstones but these are known to be porous in the southern North Sea and Poland where they display both primary inter-granular and leached intragranular pores ( Taylor and Colter 1975 ; Peryt and Piatkowski 1977 ; Peryt 1978 ) .
23 There are known to be sizeable roosts at Chichester and Pagham Harbours , Shoreham , Rottingdean , Hastings , and at Camber , besides the many birds which feed along the whole shore .
24 Now the specialists have had to stand on their heads , because previous transfusions are known to be very helpful in making a kidney ‘ take ’ ; the modern kidney doctor will not usually accept for transplant a patient who has not had a transfusion .
25 My gardening activities are , perhaps , slightly unorthodox , in that I make a point of growing plants whose flowers are known to be attractive to insects , plant flowers and vegetables together , tidy and prune only as much as is absolutely necessary , encourage plants , even ‘ weeds ’ , that give continuous ground cover , and rigorously exclude poisonous chemicals .
26 The direct way to assess this is to feed the rodents with large doses of substances that are known to be innocuous .
27 Some of the most impressively complex examples of behaviour we see are known to be wholly innate .
28 You should also be suspicious of foods that are known to be potent allergens .
29 Rather than cutting out a whole range of foods , concentrate on the foods that are known to be problematic in eczema : milk , eggs , beef , chicken , food additives , oranges , lemons and other citrus fruits .
30 Through chauvinism or lack of thoroughness they omitted the many Scottish versions of the rhyme , even though some are known to be very old .
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