Example sentences of "be out there [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can live quite cheaply in Miami , so once you 're out there on one job , you can contact other UK clients and get them to send the gear over and keep you busy for a few weeks .
2 You must believe me when I tell you that they 're out there on the plain somewhere and coming towards us .
3 It 's a pretty lonely business when you 're out there on the track .
4 You 're out there on your own ; independent .
5 No he is n't Jane , but you ca n't really blame him , I 've gone on record , er it 's a case of repeating yourself , it 's not his fault ; the players when they 're out there on the pitch , they ca n't do it .
6 I 'm just trying to make you aware of what you 're dealing when you 're out there with the people 's
7 You 're out there in the cold
8 It drives me nuts to see all the jobs that are out there to be done . ’
9 What I , what er , I in fact , what , what I did notice in that time that I was there , was that er , when you talk about the old guard , the young people , anybody under forty er they were a little bit cynical about this communism lark and Lenin and the rest of it , they all went to say , they would all go to Lenin 's er statue and in effect have a blessing from Lenin , we went along with them on one occasion , very pleased to do it , but you you got the impression that the younger generation were already in 1982 and the people now that are out there with Yeltsin were shying away from communism , now the thing is this that Gorbachev came along in my opinion exactly at the right time and tried to move things a little our way a little way from the hardline , which obviously could n't be sustained .
10 ‘ It 's vital that the people making those decisions are in touch with the grass roots of the sport — that they are out there on the ground talking to athletes and coaches , attending races and letting it be known what they are doing .
11 Delahoussaye continued : ‘ Racing is so competitive when you are out there on the track , but when something like this happens you know it could be you next time .
12 It is a very different thing when you are out there in the real world beyond the Cages !
13 ‘ You know , ’ said Lesley , busy at the coffee-tray , ‘ I must have been out there about the same time .
14 Gardner 's been out there for more than a decade , has been back and forth from the Qualifying School three times , has yet to win a tournament , and in a good year can make $150,000 .
15 When British forces assembled in the Gulf in 1990 , elements of the Armilla Patrol had been out there for most of the previous decade .
16 ‘ I 've been out there for a year or so . ’
17 And er the trainer on medical practices has been out there for a long long time doing this so there 's a lot a wealth of experience there .
18 In another age Preston would have been out there with the self-flagellants , scourging away for all he was worth .
19 And if she had n't met Ryan , Ryan with the lovely smile , Ryan the leech , she would have been out there with them .
20 It 's not that Malcolm was a father-figure to us — as some have said — he was more like an elder brother who 'd actually been out there in the world and done it so he had the confidence and experience .
21 He put it in a nutshell when he said she was the sort of girl who , if there had been a meadow handy , would have been out there in a flash picking cowslips .
22 ‘ If it were n't for you I 'd never have been out there in the first place . ’
23 For as long as I have been conscious she has been out there in front of me , dodging arrows , triggering ambushes ; doubling back to brief me on the safest and fastest route forward .
24 Winter was coming , and eagles wanted to be out there on the winds , planning , checking over territory , grouping after the isolations of spring and summer mating and rearing .
25 When I might be out there on the stage , applauded by thousands — however humbly I have to begin .
26 Soon it will get so we will not want to be out there at all . ’
27 But we all know that stories , you know , people have got to be out there at the scene taking samples .
28 I desperately wanted to be out there with the sheep , hiding behind boulders and sprinting through the heather .
29 Because there is a woman I love who may yet be out there with a heart that is beating .
30 The terrace faced south and got the full sun , so it was too hot to be out there by day , but in the evenings and at night it was wonderful .
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