Example sentences of "be by her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hale 's statement that a wife is not to be by her husband prostituted to another has also influenced judicial thinking in the twentieth century .
2 Rourke stood on the deck , tall , unmoving , his brooding , watchful presence enveloping her as though he were by her side .
3 Robert can you pass my pink bag , it 's by her feet
4 Have you see her ear , it 's by her ear as well .
5 She is little more than her blue eyes and green shawl , the blue and the green undismayed by the yellows and reds of the book , as the girl is by her father .
6 I do n't feel poor — not when I remember our childhood ! — but of course I am by her standards .
7 The tiles around Virginia 's bedroom fire-place , with the central motif of sailing boat and lighthouse , were designed especially by Vanessa , moved as she had been by her sister 's novel , To the Lighthouse , which memorialised their childhood summers at St Ives in Cornwall .
8 He 'd had this sickness all along , of course , but he 'd worsened since the assassin 's visit , and her tolerance for these traits , braced as she 'd been by her encounter with Gentle , had dropped to zero .
9 She laughed again and Claudia was glad her attention was on Roman and she did n't see how upset her twin was by her remarks .
10 In a trice everyone was by her desk .
11 There was even a certain warmth when he glanced at Thérèse , as though he understood how embarrassed she was by her aunt 's lack of dignity .
12 Where Richard was during these years of military and diplomatic manoeuvring we do not know , but it is a reasonable guess that he was with his mother , since Aquitaine was her duchy and it was by her wish that it was to be made over to him .
13 If he could take her now , overpowered as she was by her emotion , and take her quickly , before she started to reason and to be afraid again , then he thought he would be able to keep her .
14 It seemed to Annie that no sooner had Tamar arrived in the market hall , than Goodison was by her side , suggesting that it was time they started off for home .
15 Alice saw that the White Rabbit was by her side .
16 He appeared , and in two steps was by her side .
17 Roman was by her side as she inserted her key in the lock .
18 Helen was by her side .
19 He strode after her , dumping it on the tiles in the entrance hall , and was by her side before she could escape .
20 Before she could make any further move he was by her side .
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